本文选题:危机管理 + 危机干预 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:近年来,由于信息技术的突飞猛进,我们能够及时地看到在校园里发生的突发公共卫生事件、人身安全事件、精神伤害事件、自然灾害等影响学校安全与稳定的突发事件的新闻报道,学校危机问题正在逐步引起全社会的高度关注。任何单位都可能发生危机事件,但是因为学校是青年聚集地的特殊性,特别是高职高专院校的学生具有认知能力有限、心智年龄不够成熟、个性张扬、行为较散漫、不易管理和教师年轻化、教师对自身和学生认知不够深入、投入科研时间较多、对学生问题关注较少,部分学校的管理较散乱等特点,导致在高职高专院校更易发生一些突发事件。合肥市高职高专院校的危机确实存在,并且呈现多样化发展的趋势。因此,加强对高职高专院校危机的管理,刻不容缓,这是时代发展的需要,也是现代社会发展到一定阶段的产物。 本文从合肥市高职高专院校的危机管理现状入手,发现危机管理工作的不足之处,查找问题存在的原因,提出具体的解决问题的对策和建议。主要内容包括第1章绪论,主要说明了本文的研究目的、研究意义、国内外关于校园危机管理的研究情况、研究思路和方法。第2章高职高专院校危机管理概述,主要阐述了高职高专院校危机管理的主要概念和相关理论。第3章合肥市高职高专院校危机管理概况,主要介绍了合肥市高职高专院校危机管理的发展演变、合肥市高职高专院校危机管理工作采取的措施和取得的成绩。第4章目前合肥市高职高专院校危机管理存在的问题,主要阐述了合肥市高职高专院校危机管理的不足之处以及不足的原因。第5章完善合肥市高职高专院校危机管理的对策,主要从合肥市高职高专院校危机管理的现状和存在的问题出发,探讨如何完善合肥市高职高专院校危机管理的发展。 合肥市高职高专院校众多,学生数量庞大,出现各类危机的概率还是很大的。进行专题研究,旨在从不同侧面深入实际危机案例,调差研究获得信息,选择有效路径,采用科学的方法进行分析,找出危机管理的相关模型,为危机管理提供参考借鉴。 希望从人人建立危机共识开始,变被动为主动,视变动为常态,居安思危,加强对高职高专院校危机事件的预防和干预机制的研究,完善危机管理系统,构建和谐校园。
[Abstract]:In recent years, due to the rapid development of information technology, we can see public health emergencies, personal safety incidents, mental injury incidents that occur on campus in a timely manner. Natural disasters and other unexpected events affecting the safety and stability of schools, the school crisis is gradually attracting the attention of the whole society. Crisis events may occur in any unit, but because of the particularity of the school as a youth gathering place, especially the students in higher vocational and technical colleges have limited cognitive ability, immature mental age, wide personality, and scattered behavior. It is not easy to manage and young teachers, teachers do not have a deep understanding of themselves and students, invest more time in scientific research, pay less attention to students' problems, and the management of some schools is disorderly, etc. As a result, higher vocational colleges are more prone to some unexpected events. The crisis of higher vocational colleges in Hefei does exist and presents a trend of diversified development. Therefore, it is urgent to strengthen the management of the crisis in higher vocational colleges, which is the need of the development of the times and the outcome of the development of modern society to a certain stage. Starting with the current situation of crisis management in vocational colleges in Hefei, this paper finds out the shortcomings of crisis management, finds out the causes of the problems, and puts forward specific countermeasures and suggestions to solve the problems. The main contents include the introduction of the first chapter, mainly explains the purpose of this paper, research significance, domestic and foreign research on campus crisis management, research ideas and methods. Chapter 2 summarizes the crisis management in higher vocational colleges, mainly expounds the main concepts and related theories of crisis management in higher vocational colleges. Chapter 3 introduces the development and evolution of the crisis management of the vocational colleges and universities in Hefei, the measures taken and the achievements made in the crisis management of the vocational colleges in Hefei. In chapter 4, the problems of crisis management in vocational colleges and universities in Hefei are discussed, and the shortcomings and reasons of crisis management in vocational colleges and colleges in Hefei are discussed. The fifth chapter is about how to improve the development of crisis management of vocational colleges in Hefei from the point of view of the current situation and existing problems of crisis management in vocational colleges in Hefei. Hefei has a large number of vocational colleges and students, and the probability of all kinds of crises is still very large. The purpose of this study is to go deep into the actual crisis cases from different aspects, to obtain information from the adjustment study, to choose the effective path, to use scientific methods to analyze, to find out the relevant models of crisis management, and to provide reference for crisis management. It is hoped that everyone should start from building consensus on crisis, turn passivity into initiative, regard change as normal, raise vigilance, strengthen the research on prevention and intervention mechanism of crisis events in higher vocational and technical colleges, perfect crisis management system and construct harmonious campus.
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