发布时间:2018-08-13 13:08
【摘要】:加入WTO后,我国经济进一步与世界接轨,企事业单位急需适应现代社会发展的专业人才。为了适应这一需求,党和政府要求以培养高技能人才为目标,以就业为导向,大力发展高等职业教育。S职业技术学院成立于1999年,建校多年来为社会输送了大批高素质人才。 我国的高职教育历经20多年的发展,呈现出办学规模不断扩大、办学特色日益鲜明的特点,获得了社会和企事业单位的一致认可。特别是近年来国家对职业教育的重视,给高职院校的发展提供了很大的机遇。并且,S职业技术学院是当地唯一的一所高等教育院校,承载着地方教育和经济发展的需要。在这样的背景下,S职业技术学院应该重新进行自身定位,分析自身所处环境和优劣势,制定切实可行的、有竞争力的发展战略。 本文从政治、经济、社会、技术四个方面分析了S职业技术学院所处的宏观环境,认为现在的大环境十分适合S职业技术学院的进一步发展。进一步,运用SWOT分析方法分析了S职业技术学院的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,认为S职业技术学院应该建立把学院建设成为社会提供优秀人才,建设高水平高职教育学校的战略发展目标。具体地,有以下策略:专业设置贴合社会需要。依据企事业单位的用人需求来设置专业,更加有针对性的培养人才。培养人才以能力为导向。了解每个学生的优点和长处,通过老师的引导将其扩大,培养专才而不是全才。加强“双师型”师资队伍建设。注重老师的教学性和实践性相结合。以教师为中心的管理策略。学校办学应以教师为中心,满足教师的教学需求,,创造良好的教学条件。先进的招生就业策略。学习的目的是为了就业,应该建立完善的就业指导,为学生免除后患之忧。学院还应该为晋升为普通本科高等学院而继续努力。 通过以上策略,希望能够提高S职业技术学院的办学能力和学校综合实力,实现更长远的发展。
[Abstract]:After China's entry into the WTO, the economy of our country is further in line with the world. Enterprises and institutions are in urgent need of professionals to adapt to the development of modern society. A large number of high-quality personnel have been transported.
After more than 20 years of development, China's higher vocational education has shown the characteristics of expanding the scale of running a school and increasing distinctive characteristics of running a school, which has won unanimous recognition from the society, enterprises and institutions. A higher education institution bears the needs of local education and economic development. In this context, S Vocational and Technical College should re-orientate itself, analyze its own environment and advantages and disadvantages, and formulate a practical and competitive development strategy.
This paper analyzes the macro-environment of S Vocational and Technical College from the four aspects of politics, economy, society and technology, and holds that the present macro-environment is very suitable for the further development of S Vocational and Technical College. To build the college into a strategic development goal for the society to provide excellent talents and to build a high-level higher vocational education school. Specifically, there are the following strategies: setting up majors to meet the needs of the society, setting up majors according to the needs of the employers of enterprises and institutions, so as to cultivate more targeted talents. Strengthen the construction of "double-qualified" teachers. Pay attention to the combination of teachers'teaching and practice. Teacher-centered management strategy. Schools should be teacher-centered to meet teachers' teaching needs and create good teaching conditions. The purpose of study is to find a job. We should establish a sound career guidance to help students avoid worries. Colleges should also continue to work hard for promotion to ordinary undergraduate colleges.
Through the above strategies, we hope to improve the school-running ability and comprehensive strength of S Vocational and Technical College, and achieve a longer-term development.
[Abstract]:After China's entry into the WTO, the economy of our country is further in line with the world. Enterprises and institutions are in urgent need of professionals to adapt to the development of modern society. A large number of high-quality personnel have been transported.
After more than 20 years of development, China's higher vocational education has shown the characteristics of expanding the scale of running a school and increasing distinctive characteristics of running a school, which has won unanimous recognition from the society, enterprises and institutions. A higher education institution bears the needs of local education and economic development. In this context, S Vocational and Technical College should re-orientate itself, analyze its own environment and advantages and disadvantages, and formulate a practical and competitive development strategy.
This paper analyzes the macro-environment of S Vocational and Technical College from the four aspects of politics, economy, society and technology, and holds that the present macro-environment is very suitable for the further development of S Vocational and Technical College. To build the college into a strategic development goal for the society to provide excellent talents and to build a high-level higher vocational education school. Specifically, there are the following strategies: setting up majors to meet the needs of the society, setting up majors according to the needs of the employers of enterprises and institutions, so as to cultivate more targeted talents. Strengthen the construction of "double-qualified" teachers. Pay attention to the combination of teachers'teaching and practice. Teacher-centered management strategy. Schools should be teacher-centered to meet teachers' teaching needs and create good teaching conditions. The purpose of study is to find a job. We should establish a sound career guidance to help students avoid worries. Colleges should also continue to work hard for promotion to ordinary undergraduate colleges.
Through the above strategies, we hope to improve the school-running ability and comprehensive strength of S Vocational and Technical College, and achieve a longer-term development.
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