[Abstract]:Music education is a comprehensive professional direction of music major, which is mainly to train a large number of high-skill comprehensive applied talents for the development of cultural undertakings in China. This means that students majoring in music education need to have a wider professional field of vision and more comprehensive professional ability, because most of the future employment direction is oriented to educational positions, so students are required not only to have better musical literacy, but also to have a wider professional horizon and more comprehensive professional ability. At the same time, we also need to have good teaching ability. However, in the environment of the rapid development of music education in higher vocational education, the curriculum structure is not reasonable, the content of the curriculum is backward and can not adapt to the needs of social development and so on. In order to solve this problem fundamentally, we hope to integrate the subject knowledge and skills through a series of curriculum reform of music education major, through the students' own efforts and combining their specialty, exchange cooperation, interdisciplinary, To improve the students' ability to master the comprehensive knowledge and quality of music so as to fundamentally realize the reform of the comprehensive curriculum for the music education major in higher vocational education.
【作者单位】: 四川艺术职业学院;
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