[Abstract]:Secondary vocational education is an important type of high school education and vocational education in our country. It can train a large number of qualified labor force and promote the development of economy. The improvement of its quality can improve the quality of personnel training. To achieve the transformation from a large country of human resources to a powerful country of human resources. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the quality of secondary vocational education, and perfect quality guarantee policy is the basis of improving the quality of secondary vocational education. Since the reform and opening up, secondary vocational education has been divided into the stage of rectification and rehabilitation (April 1978-April 1985) according to the situation of economic development and the development of secondary vocational education in China. The period of rapid development (May 1985-April 1996), the stage of adjustment according to law (May 1996-July 2002), the stage of scale attack (August 2002-June 2010) and the stage of strategic transformation (July 2010-present), In order to understand the characteristics of the development of secondary vocational education in different stages and the relevant regulations on quality, we can have a clearer understanding of the historical process of the policy change of quality assurance in secondary vocational education. On this basis, according to the theory of institutional change, this paper analyzes the reasons for promoting the policy change of the quality assurance of secondary vocational education: the stability of the secondary vocational education system, the change of the dependent environment of the quality assurance policy; The continuous development of these three contradictions promotes the change of quality assurance policy. The characteristics of the change of quality assurance policy are as follows: from provisions to systematic policies; from long-term attention to scale development to quality development; from beginning to end to focus on the construction of key backbone schools; From paying attention to the number of employed people to paying attention to the quality of employment. The quality assurance policy of secondary vocational education in our country is continuously improving and developing, but there are still some institutional obstacles in the process of institutional change, which are mainly manifested in the historical arrears, heavy path dependence and long transition delay. There are four aspects of system defects. The existence of the system obstacle is the resistance of the development of the quality assurance policy, so if we want to reduce the resistance as far as possible and perfect the development of the quality assurance policy, we should try our best from the following aspects: to strengthen the quality management, to make up for the historical debt; The government strongly promotes, breaks the path dependence; strengthens the policy study, shortens the transition time lag; consummates the policy system, reduces the system flaw, finally can provide the certain reference and the reference in the safeguard secondary vocational education quality enhancement.
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