[Abstract]:The characteristics of the development of service industry in higher vocational education determine that the construction of professional groups must meet the needs of the industry. It is necessary to attach importance to the imparting of knowledge and skills, to the cultivation and infiltration of professional ethics, and to the culture of the profession. Improve students' professional quality and ability to adapt to the society. Based on the analysis of the significance of the integration of campus culture and industry culture to the construction of professional group, the paper aims at the problems existing in the process of integration of campus culture and industry culture in higher vocational education. The paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions on the integration of campus culture and industry culture under the background of specialty group construction: docking with industry culture and perfecting the training mode of talents combined with work and learning; Close to the needs of the industry, introduce the industry culture into the curriculum system, infiltrate the industry culture, build a simulation training base, create a "double-qualified" teaching team, organically integrate the industry culture into the teaching; Carry out diverse campus culture practice and integrate industry culture into student activities.
【作者单位】: 扬州职业大学旅游学院;
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