[Abstract]:Higher vocational education with Chinese characteristics is a mode of cooperation between school and enterprise, which is mainly based on school education and supplemented by enterprise training. The teaching time of vocational college students' internship usually accounts for 1 / 3 / 1 / 6 of the whole academic system, and the quality of practice has aroused the concern of the stakeholders about the teaching quality of higher vocational education. It is difficult to guarantee the teaching quality of job placement practice without qualified enterprises, systematic placement practice arrangement and effective financial resources guarantee. On the basis of analyzing the problems existing in the practice teaching of higher vocational colleges in our country, and referring to the methods of determining the training qualifications of German enterprises, the paper puts forward the enterprise access qualifications for the cooperative implementation of the practice teaching in higher vocational colleges. It provides a reference for the national revision of the Vocational Education Law and the relevant departments to formulate the cooperation between schools and enterprises and the rules for the implementation of the combination of work and learning.
【作者单位】: 江苏农牧科技职业学院;
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