[Abstract]:Nowadays, culture has gradually become the core of national creativity and cohesion. With the rapid development of social economy and the continuous improvement of cultural level in our country, higher vocational education is more and more inclined to train technical and applied talents. It also pays more attention to the construction of campus culture. In the Research on the Integration of Socialist Core value system into the Construction of Campus Culture in Colleges and Universities, it is pointed out that "Campus culture in colleges and universities is an important part of advanced culture. Strengthening the construction of campus culture is of great significance to promote the development of higher education reform, strengthen, improve students' ideological and political education, and improve students' comprehensive quality. " The practice of higher education for a long time has proved that we should strengthen the construction of campus culture in higher vocational colleges and give full play to their education.
【作者单位】: 江苏食品药品职业技术学院党委宣传部;
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