本文关键词:农村安置区优秀园长幼儿园管理个案研究 出处:《闽南师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Along with the "national long-term education reform and development plan (2010-2020)" thoroughly, nursery management is being valued by the people, and in 2001 the Ministry of Education issued the "guidelines for Kindergarten Education (Trial)" has been clearly defined: kindergarten to establish a good routine, to avoid unnecessary administrative behavior, and gradually guide the children study of self management. Started in March 1, 2016 after the implementation of the "Regulations" and "kindergarten kindergarten professional standard" the management of the kindergarten management content of the detailed planning, kindergarten principal is responsible for the implementation of system, regularly held the Park Service Committee meeting on kindergarten affairs in management. The majority of domestic and foreign researches focus on the research of teacher management and cultural management, this relates to the "five aspects" (cultural management, political management, curriculum management, teacher management, mental management) on the basis of the research, the research focus on Rural Education in the resettlement area, combined with the actual situation of rural settlements in kindergarten. From the perspective of cultural management, curriculum management, management spirit. The collection of relevant literature, theory foundation, and through to the kindergarten, teachers and parents questionnaire, interview and observation, to understand the rural resettlement area of the kindergarten management, combining with the actual situations of the principal in the cultural management, curriculum management, the management of the kindergarten management spirit. In this study, H director of experience as the premise, focusing on the management of the kindergarten director H descriptions of the experiences, she became the outstanding principal of the process of understanding and reflection, summed up her in the kindergarten the resettlement area and the measures for the resettlement area, rural kindergarten to improve management ability, and improve their management methods provides reference material. As a template for reference in the development of kindergartens in other rural resettlement areas, it opens the field of vision and expands the way of thinking.
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