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发布时间:2018-01-04 20:22

  本文关键词:幼儿入园焦虑的音乐治疗——基于“同质原则”的尝试 出处:《学前教育研究》2011年01期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 同质原则 音乐治疗 情绪体验 分离焦虑

[Abstract]:In the current kindergarten education practice, teachers generally through the facts, reasonable or distracting the attention of children to dredge. But in essence, it only causes the children to avoid the fact that they are separated from the objects of attachment temporarily, and does not really resolve the separation anxiety of the children. In the long run, the psychological trauma caused by this anxiety will gather in the children's subconscious mind. Music therapy is an effective means to relieve emotional pressure and regulate negative emotions, when music therapy is introduced into the treatment of children's separation anxiety. Must follow "homogeneity principle", namely first uses the music which synchronizes with the child's present mood state, lets the music and the child's emotion have the resonance. Then by gradually changing the emotional characteristics of music to change the emotional state of young children. Such as the creation of story situations to show the specific situation separated from the object of attachment and then to provide children with a variety of percussion instruments. Let them freely according to their feelings and emotions to play musical instruments, so that the instrument has any rhythm of sound. After the children let out heartily, then into the emotional comfort link, by the teacher reason. Children's separation anxiety can be significantly alleviated by full release, from previous wailing, rejection to later active participation. It is shown that the music therapy activities designed according to the "homogeneity principle" can effectively alleviate the separation anxiety of young children, and it is an effective and appropriate means and means to treat the separation anxiety of young children.
【作者单位】: 河北大学药学院;河北大学外语学院;河北大学艺术学院;
【正文快照】: 一、问题提出幼儿分离焦虑是幼儿与其依恋对象分离时产生的过度焦虑情绪,表现为恐惧、焦虑、紧张和不安[。1]有关研究表明,3岁左右新入园的幼儿普遍存在分离焦虑[。2]这种焦虑若得不到及时的关注而持续时间过长,将极大地影响幼儿的心理发展水平和其对幼儿园生活的适应。在幼


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