[Abstract]:With the continuous advancement of the National Training Program, the quality of education has been gradually improved and the training efficiency has become increasingly prominent. From the point of view of current development, pre-school teacher training basically meets the teachers'good development needs and promotes the improvement of pre-school teachers' personal and comprehensive qualities. Therefore, in the later stage of development, a comprehensive analysis of the training needs of pre-school teachers under the background of the "National Training Program" is carried out to grasp the actual effectiveness of the training needs of pre-school teachers, which has an important impact on the promotion of the actual effect of pre-school education and training in China, and provides corresponding countermeasures for the next step of training. The on-the-job kindergarten teachers who have been trained are taken as the research object.Through the methods of literature review,questionnaire survey and interview,this paper investigates the present training situation and needs of the personnel in the national training programs for preschool teachers,and analyzes the training objectives,contents,forms,training teachers,training evaluation and so on,and puts forward the facts that there is no definite training purpose and training content. At the same time, it analyzes the reasons for the formation of these problems, and the objective effect of training on pre-school teachers in terms of professional concepts, professional knowledge and professional competence. Conclusion: Firstly, whether it is training purpose, training form, or training teachers, training content, are important indicators to measure the quality of training, but also an important factor affecting the training effect. Third, the ultimate goal of training is to promote the professional development of pre-school teachers, cultivate a high-quality, expert-oriented team of teachers, demand training units to undertake extensive research and training needs, layered design training objectives, scientific training content, comprehensive use of training methods, the formation of multi-level team of experts. According to the conclusion of the investigation, the following countermeasures are put forward: first, clarify the purpose of training and enhance the effectiveness of training; second, enrich the training content and broaden the teaching channels; third, enrich the training form and enhance the efficiency of communication; fourth, evaluate the training teachers and establish the reward and punishment mechanism; fifth, establish the training concept and strengthen the knowledge and ability; Six, pay attention to process evaluation and focus on follow-up development.
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