[Abstract]:When Shi Yanlai planned to prepare the red, yellow and blue parent-child garden in July 1998, there was no real institution operating parent-child education in China. Now she founded Beijing Red, Yellow and Blue Child potential Education and Entertainment Co., Ltd., is the only professional early education institution in Beijing with a license to run parent-child education at the age of 6. Red, yellow and blue has become a well-known brand of parent-child education franchising in China. There are nearly 40 chain parks in the country. As the general manager of Red, Yellow and Blue Company, she has inadvertently become the pioneer of parent-child education in China. Perhaps it was no accident that Shi Yanlai devoted himself to parent-child education. Under the repeated inquiry of the reporter, Shi Yanlai frankly described the psychological course of starting a business. Before the red, yellow and blue parent-child garden officially opened on February 27, 1999, we prepared for half a year. " Shi Yanlai said to the reporter. In 1998, when she was a new mother, she deeply felt that there was no indoor education and entertainment place for 6-year-old children in China. Shi Yanlai was a family in Beijing before.
【作者单位】: 本刊记者
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