本文关键词: 薪酬分配 合作博弈 企业人力资本 广义纳什讨价还价解 夏普利值 出处:《哈尔滨理工大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In the era of knowledge economy, the society and economy are undergoing profound changes, which leads to the weakening of the low cost advantage brought by cheap raw materials and labor in Chinese enterprises, in order to meet the needs of the development of enterprises in the era of knowledge economy. Chinese enterprises began to make a strategic shift from "made in China" to "created in China." However, as an important incentive to enterprise human capital, salary allocation decision is still a qualitative decision based on experience. Backward distribution mode restricts the development of human capital potential. Swing. Therefore, exploring the scientific theory and method of enterprise salary distribution can stimulate the investment enthusiasm of investors, improve the innovation ability of workers, and improve the enthusiasm of work. It has important practical significance for the strategic transformation and development of Chinese enterprises. First of all, on the basis of in-depth analysis of the theory of labor distribution and the needs of real enterprises' salary management. It is found that there is inefficient behavior in the distribution of labor and capital in Chinese enterprises at present. Using Lyontief's idea of labor-capital game, this paper deduces the system of labor distribution mode of non-cooperative game, and looks for room for improvement. To ensure the high efficiency of the salary distribution between the laborer and the investor; By using the theory of Cobb-Douglas production function, the value of human capital and cooperative game, we can give consideration to fairness under the premise of ensuring the high efficiency of distribution between the laborer and the investor. And build an operable labor distribution model. Secondly, through the construction of labor transfer difficulty index system to determine the opportunity cost of efficient work. And further use of the cooperative game in the Sharpley value solution, on the basis of labor income model to build a model of compensation distribution between enterprise workers. Again. In order to ensure that fair and efficient salary distribution goals are successfully achieved in the enterprise, the paper puts forward the management measures which have important support relationship with the enterprise salary distribution model, such as salary composition, performance evaluation, corporate culture and so on. Take MD Company as an example to verify the correctness and maneuverability of the model. This model provides a tool for compensation allocation and provides a source of motivation for enterprises to create more added value. It provides the core support for the transformation of Chinese enterprises to "China creation Strategy".
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