本文关键词: 排污权初始分配 数据包络分析(DEA) 平稳性 出处:《合肥工业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The initial allocation of emission rights refers to the importance of the initial allocation of emission rights to different polluters according to certain standards. It can be reflected from the following points: first, whether the allocation of emission rights is effective or not determines the effectiveness of the emission trading system; Second, due to the existence of monopoly competition in the actual economic production activities, unreasonable allocation scheme will make a large number of emission rights allocated to some inefficient, monopoly polluters. It brings negative effects to the efficient allocation of environmental resources; Third, the emission quota will not only affect the production efficiency of polluters, but also affect the production decisions of polluters. The development of polluters will be limited. There are two main methods for the allocation of emission rights: free distribution and paid distribution. The paid distribution can be further subdivided into two ways: government pricing and public auction. The paid allocation of emission rights can better reflect the scarcity of limited environmental resources and achieve the efficient allocation of limited environmental resources. However, the production costs of polluters will increase through the paid allocation. Faced with the risk of production and operation. Therefore, in practice, the model of free allocation of emission rights is more popular. However, the way of free allocation only takes into account the pollutant emissions of polluters. In order to consider the production input and output, the polluters will be encouraged to pollute more, and the total amount of pollutants will be increased, which is not conducive to the control of the total amount of pollutants. The method based on data envelopment analysis is used to solve the problem of initial allocation of emission rights. Few studies have paid attention to the stability of polluters' production activities. For polluters, it is not only concerned about how many emission quotas they can get. And more concerned about whether the emission quota can meet their own emission needs. If the emission quota is far less than their actual emission demand. Polluters have only two options: to reduce their output levels and reduce emissions; Either through emissions trading to obtain additional emission rights, but will increase production costs. Based on this, this paper based on the overall satisfaction maximization model proposed by Dai Qianzhi 2014). Considering the stability of the production of each decision making unit, the initial allocation model of emission rights is constructed. Finally, based on provincial data, the feasibility of this method is verified, and the distribution results are analyzed concretely.
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