发布时间:2018-01-31 07:58
本文关键词: 融资成本 金融结构 通胀预期 向量误差修正模型(VEC) 出处:《国际金融研究》2017年06期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:This paper constructs a short-term dynamic VEC model, and uses the data from in the first quarter of 2000 to in the fourth quarter of 2014 to empirically study the total financial supply, total financial demand and financing supply structure. The influence and dynamic effect of financing demand structure and inflation expectation on the short-term fluctuation of financing cost in China. The empirical results show that the short-term volatility of financing costs in China is more due to the changes in financial structure and inflation expectations. The change of the narrow financial deepening ratio in the total financial supply has a negative and most significant effect on the short-term fluctuation of financing cost, and the change of the financial aggregate demand has a positive impact on the short-term volatility of the financing cost. The change of financing supply structure has negative influence on the short-term fluctuation of financing cost, but it is not significant. The change of financing demand term structure, main body structure and function structure have negative and positive effect on the short-term fluctuation of financing cost respectively. The positive influence, but the structure of the main body of financing demand is not significant; In inflation expectations, the changes of adaptive expectations and rational expectations have a positive impact on short-term volatility of financing costs, and rational expectations have a significant impact on impact response analysis and variance decomposition. Narrow financial deepening ratio, generalized financial deepening proportion, financial aggregate demand, financing supply structure, financing demand term structure, financing demand function structure, adaptive inflation expectation. The impact of rational inflation expectations will cause large fluctuations in financing costs in the short term, while the narrow financial deepening ratio, the broad financial deepening ratio, the total financial demand, and the term structure of financing demand. The impact of functional structure and rational expectation of financing demand contributes to the variance of financing cost.
【作者单位】: 东北财经大学研究生院;东北财经大学;东北财经大学金融学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(71373038、71273042) 辽宁省高等学校优秀科技人才支持计划(WR2014012) 辽宁省教育厅重点实验室项目(LZ2015029、LZ2014048)资助
【正文快照】: 引言当前,受国内外经济金融形势的影响,我国经济下行压力依然较大,同时在信用风险有所抬头的背景下,市场化利率进一步下降的空间也将受阻。尽管我国货币政策相对稳健、信贷增速保持平稳,但信贷投资增量与全社会融资增量仍存在较大缺口,这也抑制了融资成本的下降。因此,在信用
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