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发布时间:2018-04-09 09:15

  本文选题:经济收敛 切入点:人力资本质量 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:China has experienced a period of rapid development since the reform and opening up, the current rate of economic growth has declined.With the arrival of knowledge economy, material capital-oriented economic growth mode is gradually replaced by human capital.This kind of change will promote the development of our country's economy from many aspects. The study of the relationship between human capital and our country's economic growth will play an important role in formulating the economic development policy in the next stage.Before studying the relationship between human capital and economic growth, we have a clear definition of human capital.By sorting out the literature at home and abroad, it is found that there are many divisions about human capital, including educational human capital and healthy human capital.Some scholars believe that production and research and development will have an impact on the stock of human capital.But in fact, human capital and economic growth have the same attributes, they not only the concept of quantity but also the nature of quality, but in the past literature usually only consider the expansion of quantity, but ignore the improvement of quality.Or, even when the concept of quality appears, the concept of stock and quality is rarely defined.This paper divides human capital into two aspects: human capital stock and human capital quality, and analyzes the development and function of human capital quality.On this basis, a human capital quality index system is constructed, and the factor analysis of the index system is carried out by using SPSS software.In the process of analyzing the quality index of human capital, this paper finds that the investment of human capital in areas with high level of economic development is also relatively large, and the corresponding human capital quality index is relatively high, while in relatively backward areas,Without strong economic level as the support, these regions invest relatively little in human capital, which leads to the lower level of human capital quality.We find that the quality of human capital has the characteristics of high-high and low-low distribution, which indicates that the development of human capital in each region may be affected by the neighboring provinces and regions.On the basis of this, the comprehensive index obtained by factor analysis is introduced into the empirical model to analyze the relationship between it and regional economic growth.In the analysis of the regional economic situation, the spatial effect is added to the panel model, taking into account the interrelation between the regions.Using fixed effect model, the interprovincial data from 2001 to 2015 were analyzed by Matlab software.Based on the analysis of the economic growth of provinces and cities in China, this paper holds that there should be convergence in China's inter-provincial economy. The convergence of inter-provincial economic growth is tested by using the common panel and spatial panel models.Comparing the feasibility of the two models, we finally choose the spatial panel model as our empirical model.The model results show that there exists a conditional convergence phenomenon in the provincial economy of China, and the convergence rate is about 2.4%, which is close to the level of convergence of 2% mentioned in the foreign literature.At the same time, it is found that the coefficient of human capital quality to economic growth is significantly positive, indicating that human capital quality has a strong promoting effect on economic growth.Therefore, we believe that in order to solve the unbalanced economic development in our country at the present stage, although the investment of material capital is essential, considering the degree of influence of the quality of human capital on economic growth, we should vigorously carry out human capital investment.Promoting the transformation from human resources to human capital stock and from human capital stock to quality plays an important role in alleviating the economic imbalance in China.


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