本文选题:公租房 + 满意度 ; 参考:《湖北工业大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:2014年7月,武汉市公租房与廉租房并轨,公租房成为保障性住房的建设重点。截至2017年,已完成配租近2万套,分布于武汉市9个城区,将来还会有2万套集中入市。公租房租户的居住满意度是检验公租房政策效果重要指标,有必要从租户视角评价居住满意度并探索其影响因子。本文从租户的视角出发,结合公租房居住满意度模型,建立满意度主观感受评价指标体系,实地调研了解租户的居住现状,采用Ordered logistic回归模型探讨了公租房居住满意度的主要影响因素。主要研究结果如下:(1)基于代表性CCSI模型和国内朱[?和李晨建立的住户满意度模型,由两个因果变量价值感知(住宅品质感知、租金)和租户期望,一个可测内变量政府部门的租赁管理服务,两个结果变量租户投诉与忠诚度构建了公租房居住满意度模型,并将该模型用于构建指标体系的理论指导。(2)构建公租房居住满意度指标体系,主要分为三级指标,一级指标为公租房居住满意度;二级指标为人均居住面积、户型结构设计、房屋质量、租金、租赁管理、物业管理、社区环境、邻里关系、顾客忠诚9个维度;三级指标为在二级指标上的细分,具体为40个指标设计满意度调研问卷,为后面的定量模型的研究建立基础。(3)以武汉市青和居公租房为例,建立Ordered logistic回归模型。根据模型研究得出:人均居住面积、户型结构设计、租赁管理、物业管理和社区环境五个影响因素对满意度影响显著。而租金、房屋质量和邻里关系未能支持原假设,对整体满意度的影响不显著。(4)通过对满意度影响因素的实证分析研究,有针对性的从租赁管理、房屋居住品质、社区环境和物业管理等方面为提升租户的居住满意度提出相应的改进措施,为公租房的建设和运营提供参考性的建议。
[Abstract]:In July 2014, Wuhan city public rental housing and low-rent housing system, public rental housing become the focus of the construction of affordable housing. By 2017, nearly 20,000 units had been leased, distributed in nine urban areas of Wuhan, and another 20,000 will be in the market in the future. The residential satisfaction of public rental tenants is an important indicator to test the effect of public rental housing policy. It is necessary to evaluate the residential satisfaction from the perspective of tenants and explore its influencing factors. In this paper, from the perspective of tenants, combined with the public rental housing satisfaction model, set up a satisfaction subjective feeling evaluation index system, field research to understand the living situation of tenants, Ordered logistic regression model is used to explore the main influencing factors of public rental housing satisfaction. The main research results are as follows: (1) based on the representative CCSI model and Zhu [? The household satisfaction model established by Li Chen consists of two causal variables, value perception (residential quality perception, rent) and tenant expectation, and a measurable internal variable government rental management service. Two outcome variables tenant complaints and loyalty build a public rental housing satisfaction model, and the model is used to construct the index system of theoretical guidance. 2) the public rental housing satisfaction index system, mainly divided into three indicators. The first index is the satisfaction degree of public rental housing, the second index is the per capita living area, the household structure design, the house quality, the rent, the lease management, the property management, the community environment, the neighborhood relation, the customer loyalty nine dimensions; The third level index is the subdivision on the secondary index, the specific design satisfaction questionnaire is 40 indexes, and the foundation for the research of the following quantitative model is established. (3) taking the example of Qinghe Ju public rental housing in Wuhan City as an example, the Ordered logistic regression model is established. According to the model study, it is concluded that: per capita living area, household structure design, rental management, property management and community environment have significant impact on satisfaction. However, rent, housing quality and neighborhood relations fail to support the original hypothesis, and the impact on overall satisfaction is not significant. In the aspects of community environment and property management, the author puts forward the corresponding improvement measures for the improvement of tenants' living satisfaction, and provides reference suggestions for the construction and operation of public rental housing.
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