本文选题:房地产宏观调控 + 效果分析 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2009年硕士论文
【摘要】: 我国房地产业起步晚,从1998年国务院出台了《关于进一步深化住房制度改革,加快住房建设的通知》起,才真正进入了房地产商品化时代。从1998年到现在仅有11年时间,房地产市场发育很不成熟。我国正处于城市化、工业化高速发展的时期,城市化、工业化必然会带动房地产市场的快速发展,使房地产业成为国民经济的重要组成部分。正是由于房地产市场起步晚、不成熟,因而出现了大量问题,引发了国家对房地产市场的宏观调控。2005—2007年间,国家密集出台了一系列的房地产宏观调控政策和措施,期望能够促进房地产市场平稳、健康发展。从2005年以来的房地产市场的现实情况来看,房地产宏观调控大的方向是正确的,但是在整个市场供给小于需求的前提下,政策的效果具有双重性,既有成功的一面,又有失效的一面,这就决定了对我国政府的房地产宏观调控问题研究的重大理论意义和实践意义。本文以2005年以来的房地产市场为研究对象,深入地研究了我国房地产宏观调控效果及对策。文章从房地产相关理论出发,归纳总结了2005—2007年房地产宏观调控的各项政策,根据2005—2008年房地产市场的实际状况,分析了我国房地产宏观调控政策效果,针对问题,提出了相关建议。 本文共分三部分。第一部分是相关的房地产基本理论概述。房地产理论已经成为一个完整的体系,本文选择了与文章内容密切相关的房地产理论,包括房地产业在国民经济中的地位和作用理论、房地产宏观调控理论、房地产周期理论、房地产泡沫理论、房地产价格理论。第二部分是2005-2907年我国房地产宏观调控政策的实施效果分析。在这一部分中,首先叙述了2005—2007年房地产宏观调控背景,然后按照宏观调控所针对的不同问题,归纳总结了2005—2007年房地产宏观调控的各项政策,鉴于宏观调控作用的滞后性和写作时间,本文通过大量相关的统计数据.对2005—2008年房地产市场状况进行了比较准确的描述,从而分析了2005—2007年出台的房地产宏观调控政策的双重效果,有成功的一面,也有失效的一面。第三部分理论与实践相结合,针对问题,提出对房地产宏观调控政策和措施的建议,主要包括:房地产宏观调控的主导方向是增加有效供给;注重政策的配套性、连续性;搞活农村建设用地和宅基地产权流转,增加建设用地供给;强化房地产市场竞争机制,弱化垄断;以不同政策区别对待自住性、投资性、投机性房地产需求;社会保障性住房由政府“主导”;商品房供给由市场“主导”。 本文的研究具有重要的现实意义,它在分析已经出台的房地产宏观调控政策效果的基础上,为国家进一步的房地产宏观调控提供理论依据和建议。但是本文侧重于理论上的定性分析,实践检验方面还有待于进一步完善。
[Abstract]:The real estate industry of our country started late. Since the State Council issued the notice on further deepening the housing system reform and accelerating the housing construction in 1998, the real estate industry has really entered the era of real estate commercialization. From 1998 to now only 11 years, the real estate market is immature. China is in the period of rapid development of urbanization and industrialization. Urbanization and industrialization will inevitably promote the rapid development of the real estate market and make the real estate industry an important part of the national economy. It is precisely because the real estate market started late and is immature that a large number of problems have arisen, which have triggered the state's macro-control over the real estate market. 2005-2007, the state has introduced a series of macro-control policies and measures for real estate. Hope to promote the real estate market stable, healthy development. From the reality of the real estate market since 2005, the macro-control direction of the real estate is correct, but under the premise that the supply of the whole market is smaller than the demand, the effect of the policy has duality and has a successful side. There is another side of invalidation, which determines the great theoretical and practical significance of the study on the real estate macro-control of our government. This article takes the real estate market since 2005 as the research object, deeply studies the real estate macro-control effect and the countermeasure in our country. Based on the theory of real estate, this paper summarizes the policies of real estate macro-control from 2005 to 2007. According to the actual situation of real estate market from 2005 to 2008, the paper analyzes the effect of macro-control policy of real estate in China, aiming at the problems. Some suggestions are put forward. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part is related to the basic theory of real estate overview. The theory of real estate has become a complete system. This paper chooses the theory of real estate which is closely related to the content of the article, including the theory of the position and function of real estate in the national economy, the theory of real estate macro-control, the theory of real estate cycle. Real estate bubble theory, real estate price theory. The second part is the analysis of the effect of real estate macro-control policy in 2005-2907. In this part, the background of real estate macro-control from 2005 to 2007 is described, and then the policies of real estate macro-control in 2005-2007 are summarized according to the different problems of macro-control. In view of the lag and writing time of macro-control, this paper passes a lot of relevant statistics. This paper gives a more accurate description of the real estate market from 2005 to 2008, and analyzes the dual effects of the macro-control policies of real estate issued in 2005-2007. The third part combines theory with practice, in view of the problem, puts forward the suggestion to the real estate macro-control policy and measure, mainly includes: the leading direction of the real estate macro-control is to increase the effective supply, pay attention to the policy matching, continuity; Invigorate the circulation of rural construction land and homestead property right, increase the supply of construction land, strengthen the competition mechanism of real estate market, weaken monopoly, treat the demand of self-occupied, investment and speculative real estate differently with different policies; Social security housing by the government-led; commercial housing supply by the market-led. The research of this paper is of great practical significance. It provides theoretical basis and suggestions for further real estate macro-control on the basis of analyzing the effect of the macro-control policy of real estate. However, this paper focuses on qualitative analysis in theory and needs further improvement in practice.
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