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发布时间:2018-06-24 16:25

  本文选题:城市创新能力 + 时空格局 ; 参考:《地理科学》2017年07期

【摘要】:基于中国287个地级以上城市的专利、论文数据测度中国城市创新能力,揭示2001~2014年中国创新格局的时空演变特征,并分析城市创新能力的影响因素。研究表明:(1)中国创新格局刻有明显的经济地带性差异的烙印,呈"东-中-西"逐渐衰减的态势,且随着时间推移,东部的压倒性地位进一步强化。(2)基尼系数呈现先增后降的倒U型变化趋势,反映了整体由极化增长向优化均衡发展的空间过程。东部地区基尼系数维持相对稳定;创新能力较弱的中西部地区,城市间的创新能力差异却在不断缩小。(3)高水平和较高水平的创新城市分布具有很强的经济依赖性,广泛分布于发达城市,而中等水平以上的城市呈集聚分布态势,表现出明显的"集群化"特征,与中国主要城市群的分布高度吻合。(4)Moran’s I值均为正,并呈不断上升之势,反映了城市间显著的空间相关性。高高集聚区主要分布于京津冀、长三角和珠三角地区,而中部和西部省会城市作为区域性的创新极,对周围城市的创新带动效应并不明显,辐射作用有限。(5)经济基础、人力资本、教育水平、FDI规模、制度因素、基础设施6方面因素不同程度地影响城市创新能力的形成。其中经济基础和人力资本因素影响较大,教育水平和制度因素次之,而FDI规模和基础设施水平对区域的创新能力影响相对较小,但仍表现为正向影响。
[Abstract]:Based on the patent of 287 cities above the prefectural level, the paper measures the innovation ability of Chinese cities, reveals the temporal and spatial evolution characteristics of China's innovation pattern from 2001 to 2014, and analyzes the influencing factors of urban innovation ability. The results show that: (1) the pattern of innovation in China is marked by obvious differences of economic zonality, and gradually decays from "east, middle and west", and with the passage of time, (2) the Gini coefficient increased first and then decreased, which reflected the spatial process from polarization growth to optimal equilibrium development. The Gini coefficient in the eastern region remains relatively stable, while in the central and western regions where innovation ability is weak, the difference of innovation ability among cities is shrinking. (3) the distribution of high level and higher level innovation cities has strong economic dependence. They are widely distributed in developed cities, while those above the middle level show a tendency of agglomeration, showing obvious "clustering" characteristics, which are highly consistent with the distribution of the main urban agglomerations in China. (4) the Moranans I values are all positive and have a rising tendency. It reflects the significant spatial correlation between cities. The high concentration areas are mainly distributed in the areas of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta. As regional innovation poles, the central and western provincial capitals have no obvious effect on the innovation drive of the surrounding cities, and the radiation effect is limited. (5) the economic base is limited. Human capital, educational level and FDI scale, institutional factors and infrastructure affect the formation of urban innovation ability to varying degrees. Among them, the factors of economic base and human capital have great influence, the level of education and institution are the second, while the scale of FDI and the level of infrastructure have relatively little influence on the innovation ability of the region, but still show positive influence.
【作者单位】: 华东师范大学城市与区域科学学院;华东师范大学科技创新与发展战略研究中心;


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