[Abstract]:Based on the technology of " 3S " , the paper uses the method of visual interpretation to estimate the land use intensity of the land use . ( 2 ) The aerial survey and three - dimensional modeling technology of unmanned aerial vehicle is used to study the DOM and DEM data acquired by aerial survey of unmanned aerial vehicle , which provides reliable data support for this study . ( 3 ) The survey results of land reserve are based on the survey results of urban reserve land , the land reserve size is 473.48 hm ~ 2 , and the area of land reserve in the area is 103.22 脳 104 m ~ 2 . The land area of land reserve in the area of land reserve is 15.19 hm ~ 2 . The area of land use in the area is 58.14hm ~ 2 . The area of land reserved land is 13.90 脳 104 m ~ 2 ; the area of land area is 19.76 hm ~ 2 . According to the analysis results , the land reserve size is determined , and reference opinions are provided for the local science to carry out the land reserve work .
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