[Abstract]:At present, our country is in the deep water area of reform and opening up, and institutional reform is the most important one. The central economic work conference held in December 2016 and the "Central Committee No. 1 document" issued in January 2017 have emphasized the supply-side structural reform. To carry out further supply-side reform, it is necessary not only to "go three ways one down and one supplement", but also to further improve the existing system, and to deepen the system reform on the agenda. The system is not only the orderly arrangement of production and life, but also the direct and indirect input elements of all kinds of production activities. In combination with the characteristics of the primary stage of socialism in our country and the main domestic contradictions at the present stage, the system is reformed and innovated. To improve social productivity and people's standard of living, is extremely necessary, is also an urgent matter. Institutional capital management is a kind of business model which aims to pursue the win-win situation among enterprises, residents and the government. This paper studies "how to use the system to bring benefits to enterprises and society". Institutional capital management takes inclusive urbanization as the carrier, which brings about the improvement of enterprise benefit, the improvement of residents' living standard and the improvement of government management efficiency. By combing the existing literature, this paper classifies the existing literature into three aspects: institutional capital theory, new urbanization and enterprise performance, institutional capital management and enterprise performance. This paper introduces the integrated framework of institutional capital management from six aspects: subject, motivation, object, situation, effect and distribution mode of institutional dividend, that is, the main body of institutional capital management is the entrepreneur of the enterprise; However, the field in which entrepreneurs accumulate institutional capital mainly refers to for-profit organizations, i.e. enterprises, and entrepreneurs engage in a series of interactive activities with residents and local governments in the context of enterprises. The main line is to manage this kind of business model which is mutually beneficial and win-win, that is, the business model is the object of institutional capital management, of course, the entrepreneur's motivation for business model innovation can be divided into commercial motivation, resource motivation, public interest motivation and institutional motivation. Different quality and different types of institutional capital distribute institutional dividends according to the participation and contribution of all parties. Based on the theory of institutional capital management, this paper studies the influence of enterprises' participation in urbanization construction on the performance of enterprises by using the method of multiplying term regression based on the theory of institutional capital management, taking 376 listed enterprises participating in the construction of urbanization as samples. The results show that the participation of enterprises in institutional capital management has a significant positive impact on their earnings per share, profitability, operating capacity and dividend ability, and the state-owned nature of the enterprise. The nature of non-real estate is more helpful to its accumulation and use of institutional capital, and it can significantly promote the improvement of financial performance, while the nature of private enterprises has no advantage in the accumulation of institutional capital in urbanization. Can not effectively carry on the system capital acquisition, the management, thus promotes the financial performance. There is no difference in the effect of obtaining political capital between state-owned enterprises and private enterprises in urbanization, which means that political capital is not the prerogative of state-owned enterprises, and enterprises should actively interact with society and government in the process of urbanization. In order to improve the financial performance of enterprises and promote the inclusiveness of urbanization construction and the effect of social progress, we should improve the level of institutional capital.
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