[Abstract]:January 13, the province's human resources and social security work conference held in Jinan. Han Jinfeng, deputy director of the organization department of the provincial party committee and director of the social security department of human resources, attended the meeting and made a work report. The meeting solemnly commended the high-quality service window of the provincial human resources social security system, conveyed the important instructions of deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and governor Guo Shuqing on the work of the society, and the spirit of the national conference on human resources and social security work. Han Jinfeng reviewed the social security work of human resources in the province in 2016. 2016 was the beginning year of implementing the 13th Five-Year Plan, and it was also an extraordinary year in the development of Shandong people's Society. In the past year, under the correct leadership of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, the provincial people's society
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