[Abstract]:The research of national scale urban spatial pattern based on economic and social perspective has made important progress, while the natural ecological relevance of national urban spatial pattern presents new research needs. Through the classification of natural ecological units and superposition with urban and rural construction land, this paper reveals the spatial pattern characteristics of urban and rural construction land in China and its main problems: among the first-class ecological functional areas, the ecological adjustment area is the most extensive. It is mainly distributed in the ecologically fragile areas of northwest, southwest and northeast of China, but the proportion of urban and rural construction land is only 0.69, and the proportion of urban and rural construction land is 2.74 in the product supply area. The residential security area is the smallest and concentrated in the eastern coastal areas of China, but the proportion of urban and rural construction land is the largest, as high as 11.20. The distribution difference of urban and rural construction land in natural ecological units is generally determined by natural landforms and river basin characteristics. 79.54% of urban and rural construction land is located in plain water network, hilly area, urban cluster area, agricultural product supply area and soil conservation area. The southeastern part of Hu Huanyong line, which is dominated by karst and Danxia geomorphological features; The distribution pattern of urban and rural construction land is also the same as that of the three steps of our country. These patterns reflect the interdependence between human and environment, but in recent years, driven by artificial factors such as the expansion of development demand and the progress of engineering technology, urban and rural construction land tends to expand to higher altitude. This provides the basic information for the sustainable development of urban and rural areas and the construction of ecological security pattern under the background of new urbanization, and also provides technical support for the identification of urban spatial organization and evolution mechanism in China.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所流域地理学重点实验室;中国科学院大学;
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