[Abstract]:Green development is a new mode of regional development which pays attention to the dual benefit of resources, environment and social economy. The green development index of 31 cities in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River is measured by entropy weight-TOPSIS method, and the causes of the difference pattern are analyzed with the help of the environmental Kuznets curve theory. The spatial spillover effect of the influencing factors is further discussed by introducing the GWR model in order to reveal the problems and the situation in the green development process of the urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and to deepen the understanding of the regional governments and the people on the green development. The aim is to promote the green development index and reduce the regional differences, promote the integration process of urban agglomeration green development, and further promote the construction of environment-friendly and resource-saving society. It is found that (1) the overall green development index of urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River experienced a "V" bottoming rebound process in 2009-2014. The number of "dilemmas" at the inflection point of the green development Curennets curve increased from 6 in 2009 to 22 in 2012 and dropped to 18 in 2014, with more than half of the cities still in the "dilemma" of green development. The contradiction between economy and environment is still severe. (2) the five influential factors of urban agglomeration green development are: per capita GDP, economic density, tertiary industry added value proportion, per capita local water resources, per capita public green space area; Among them, the relationship between local water resources per capita and green development evolves from negative to positive, and the contribution of the other four factors to green development is positive. The driving effect of economic stimulus on regional green development is weakened year by year, and the marginal force of industrial structure and resource situation on green development is obviously enhanced. (3) Xiangyang city and Changde city show a trend of differentiation and evolution from 2009-2014. The green development index of the former has decreased sharply year by year, which has fallen from the top of the Kuznets curve to the bottom of the curve, whereas the latter has not. Industrial structure, resource protection and greening management are the main restricting factors of Xiangyang green development.
【作者单位】: 湖北大学旅游发展研究院;
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