本文关键词: 价值创造能力 保险产业 保险价值 保险中介机构 内部分工 保险销售 保险公估公司 创造功能 保险代理人 保险经纪公司 出处:《中国金融》2015年24期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:On the whole, the value creation of insurance intermediary in the field of insurance sales has been fully revealed, but in terms of its internal structure, the sales ability of specialized intermediary organizations needs to be urgently promoted in the process of the development of insurance industrialization in China. The internal division of labor in the insurance industry is becoming more and more meticulous, the degree of specialization is constantly improving, and the coordination between the industrial chains is becoming more and more demanding. Insurance intermediary is an important industrial chain. The urgent task of constructing a complete insurance industry chain is to promote the value creation ability of insurance intermediary, which has the function of value creation with the development of insurance industrialization and the formation of insurance industry chain in China. In the insurance industry, the insurance company and the insurance intermediary have the inherent relation, and each is in the insurance industry value creation.
【作者单位】: 中南财经政法大学金融学院;中国保险学会;
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