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发布时间:2018-03-25 02:20

  本文选题:一体化 切入点:制度衔接 出处:《社会保障研究》2013年03期

[Abstract]:The research on the integration of urban and rural basic old-age insurance system will help to narrow the gap between urban and rural areas from the aspect of social security treatment. The basic old-age insurance policy under the present situation is developing towards the direction of integration. This paper focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects. The current situation and problems of China's basic old-age insurance system are analyzed from two aspects. From the angle of view of the pattern of endowment insurance in the characteristic area of the domestic endowment insurance, the paper summarizes the dilemma of the basic old-age insurance system. On the basis of solving the dilemma, it combines the characteristics of the endowment insurance in various regions. Put forward the policy recommendations of the basic old-age insurance system: put forward the formula "personal burden index" = personal income balance / local per capita disposable income, and select the contribution grade by calculating the affordable contribution burden. In order to determine the standard grades that can be selected; to perfect the pension insurance fund mechanism by increasing the types of fund investment and selecting the appropriate fund portfolio; and to establish a unified special pension insurance regulatory body. And gradually establish and implement the network management of old-age insurance, through the implementation of "social security card", the establishment of a "one-person" social security account, to expand the basic old-age insurance applicable to the population. Through these four system design to gradually realize the new rural insurance. The combination of basic old-age insurance for urban residents and basic old-age insurance for workers in the system can realize the full coverage of the old-age insurance for urban and rural residents in real sense.
【作者单位】: 江西财经大学财税与公共管理学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金项目“统筹城乡发展的户籍、社会保障与土地管理制度联动机制研究”(项目编号:11BJY050) 2012年度江西高校哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“欠发达地区社会保障体系研究”阶段性成果 江西财经大学“统筹城乡社会保障发展研究”创新团队成果


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