本文选题:基本医疗保险 切入点:过度医疗 出处:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:As the core part of the social security system, the basic medical insurance system plays an important role in reducing the medical cost of the insured.With the basic establishment of a social medical insurance system covering all the people during the 12th Five-Year Plan period (hereinafter referred to as Medicare), the main task of medical insurance is no longer to improve the coverage of medical insurance and the level of security.To solve the problem of insufficient fairness and cost control of health care.Therefore, how to improve the fairness and efficiency of health insurance has become the main research direction.Through the actual investigation, it is found that the continuous increase of medical expenses will affect the implementation effect of medical insurance to varying degrees, making the actual reimbursement ratio of medical insurance much lower than the reimbursement ratio within the system.Therefore, solving the problem of excessive medical care has become an important breakthrough to solve the problem of medical insurance.By analyzing the data of a large amount of medical expenses and patients' basic information, this paper describes the current situation of medical overtreatment and the main causes of overmedical behavior.In the data analysis of the status quo of excessive medical treatment, the index of health level is added especially, and the health level is regarded as the standard to measure the excessive medical behavior.The investigation shows that the medical expenses of provincial hospitals have increased sevenfold in the past 10 years, but the effect of treatment has not changed much, which indicates that the problem of excessive medical treatment is an objective problem that needs to be solved.And the lack of medical insurance guidance mechanism and supervision mechanism also makes the problem of excessive medical care difficult to solve.Through the analysis of the status quo and causes of over-treatment, it is pointed out that the problem of overtreatment needs to be solved accurately.Finally, this paper proposes some policy suggestions to solve the problem of excessive medical care from the point of view of precision medical insurance.At present, the strategy of solving the problem of excessive medical treatment mainly adopts the methods of total amount control, reform of payment method, economic compensation, system monitoring and so on, but the monitoring research in the process of excessive medical treatment is not systematic.Therefore, it is a new way to consider how to solve the problem of excessive medical treatment from the perspective of precision.Precision is the solution advocated by the state. It is a solution for details and individuals.The individualization, diversity and extensiveness of over-treatment require "targeted therapy" with precision.This paper proposes to classify the level of insurance according to the classification and severity of the disease in order to improve the affordability of the insured in the face of high medical expenses.The precision monitoring index, including hospitalization monitoring index, drug monitoring index and diagnosis and treatment monitoring index, is added to ensure the careful monitoring of medical behavior before, during and after medical care, so as to reduce excessive medical behavior.At the same time, an independent medical insurance pricing and reimbursement system is established to control the growth of medical expenses at the source, so as to better reflect the fairness, rationality and effectiveness of medical insurance.
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