本文选题:互联网产品 切入点:营销策略 出处:《上海交通大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:This paper mainly studies the response and possible future development direction of the life insurance industry in China to the change of the social environment under the social environment of the popularization and rapid development of the Internet.The birth and continuous development of the Internet has brought great changes to the market.This paper first describes the development of the Internet in China and changes in the behavior of Internet users in this environment.The Internet has changed the daily life of modern people, changed the way consumers get information, the form of consumer demand has changed, and the way to meet the demand has also changed.Because of the change of the consumer behavior pattern, the enterprises in the market also make the response. The second part of this paper will proceed from the 5C theory of marketing, from customer, company, competitor, cooperator and macro environment five angles,A separate study of the impact of the Internet and the above subjects into the Internet era measures, and explain the current role of these measures in the market.Through the demonstration of these examples, three innovative service products provided by the Internet to the market are summarized: technology tools, public platforms and communication media, and these products have already served the customers, channels and themselves of the insurance industry.Life insurance industry in the past is more traditional marketing methods, basically rely on marketers to carry out marketing, product and pricing differentiation is less.In the Internet age, whether to maintain the original sales mode or to innovate is an important subject for China's life insurance industry.The second part of this paper will analyze the traditional life insurance marketing and the current Internet life insurance marketing to find the laws and limitations of life insurance business.This paper studies whether the current business model of Internet insurance adapts to the rules of the industry and solves the problems of the industry, and finally looks forward to the development of the business model of Internet insurance in the future.The market value of Internet insurance lies in its innovative service products provided by the Internet to solve the practical problems encountered in the development of life insurance marketing.After summarizing the examples of the fourth chapter of this paper, this paper obtains the function of the Internet to expand the marketing field and change the consumer attitude for the life insurance industry through its innovative service products.In the fifth chapter, by combining the existing and future Internet innovative service products with life insurance marketing, based on the purpose of expanding the marketing field and changing consumer attitude, the fourth chapter optimizes and expands the marketing strategy that has been implemented.At the same time, we should change the marketing strategy that has not got the expected effect in the fourth chapter to make it more in line with the needs of the industry. Secondly, we can find a new combination point between Internet innovative service products and life insurance marketing.These include areas that are currently unexplored and strategies that can be adopted in the future.Due to the rapid development and complex changes of the Internet itself, the marketing strategy of Internet life insurance will certainly have new development possibilities in the future. The framework model of this paper can be expanded with the extension of the new innovative service products of the Internet.It is applied to the possible strategy research in the future.
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