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发布时间:2018-05-02 01:21

  本文选题:基本医疗保险 + 城乡 ; 参考:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Health is not only a prerequisite factor for human material production, but also an indicator to measure a country's comprehensive level of development. In order to prevent people from suffering from catastrophic health expenditure due to disease, To provide economic risk protection measures has become a universal way of protection. At present, the main modes of social medical insurance in China include public medical treatment, basic medical insurance for urban workers, basic medical insurance for urban residents and basic medical insurance for new rural areas. By the end of 2015, the whole coverage of the system has been basically completed. However, whether these systems can ensure that the residents can enjoy the most basic medical services and what impact they have on the choice of medical services for the residents should really require our attention. Therefore, it is important to explore the utilization of medical services for urban and rural residents under different medical insurance systems to improve the design of medical insurance system and improve the basic medical insurance system. This paper is mainly divided into the following parts: the first chapter is introduction, research significance, method content and other aspects of the introduction of this text of a simple and clear introduction of the relevant literature involved in the article are summarized. The second chapter is the definition of basic concepts and theoretical basis analysis. In this part, we mainly define the basic concepts involved in the article and briefly analyze the relevant theories as the basis of this paper. The third chapter describes the reality of basic medical insurance and medical service utilization. This chapter is mainly divided into two parts: one is from the perspective of residents' health, the other is from the use of medical services. This chapter is one of the key chapters of this paper. The fourth chapter is the empirical analysis of the utilization of medical service in urban and rural residents by basic medical insurance. The chapter uses selection of medical care and medical costs as indicators to measure the utilization of medical services, and uses data from the Chinese Household tracking Survey in 2014. In order to understand the influence of the basic medical insurance system on the utilization of medical services in urban and rural areas, variables including the basic medical insurance system and the individual related social and demographic factors are selected to be included in the regression analysis. Chapter V countermeasures and suggestions, this chapter is mainly through the third chapter and the fourth chapter of the research results are summarized in order to obtain the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions for the follow-up design of the medical insurance system to provide relevant useful suggestions.


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