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发布时间:2018-05-27 21:02

  本文选题:相互保险 + 行业团结 ; 参考:《社会保障研究》2017年05期

[Abstract]:The industrial characteristics of the French multi-level security system are obvious, resulting in the serious fragmentation of social insurance, but it is beneficial to the development of mutual system health insurance in the second level. The.MGEN is the most influential institution of mutual health insurance in France. It has promoted industry unity through a series of measures and played an important role in the second pillar supplementary medical insurance. The common interests of the members of the full members and the individualized demand are also paid attention to; not only the common governance of the traditional members, but also the modern management mode of the market is introduced, which not only maintains the high redistribution level, but also actively participates in the capital market investment; it not only nurtures the social culture of solidarity and mutual benefit, but also is guided and restricted by the special door legislation. It is of practical significance for the healthy development of mutual insurance in China to learn from the successful experience of MGEN, including the cultivation of mutual help culture, legislative advance, and compliance with the interests of the members.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院美国研究所;


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