本文选题:机动车保险 + 道德风险 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Motor vehicle insurance is a kind of property insurance, and it can also be called automobile insurance. In China, with the rapid increase of car ownership, automobile insurance has become the most important part of China's non life insurance market. It is also the first major insurance in property insurance. At present, in domestic insurance companies, the insurance revenue of automobile insurance has already been paid. It accounts for more than 50% of the total insurance premium income of its property insurance business, and the proportion of the insurance premium income of some companies is even more than 60% of the total insurance premium income of its property insurance business. Therefore, the profit and loss of the auto insurance business directly affects the economic benefits of the property insurance industry. However, the car insurance business is booming. In the process, there are also a number of problems, among which the profitability is weak and the proportion of compensation is always a big problem that affects the development of China's domestic insurance companies. Although automobile insurance itself has high probability of risk, the amount of compensation is large and the rate of compensation is high, the insurance compensation fraud is caused by the actual case analysis. There is an important reason for the high compensation rate of automobile insurance business and the poor performance of profitability. In recent years, the research on the Countermeasures of auto insurance compensation fraud can be said to be a lot, but most of the literature analysis theory is weak and the constructive suggestions are not clear enough. By introducing a large number of practical cases, the theoretical basis, phenomena and causes of auto insurance claim fraud are deeply studied and analyzed by introducing a large number of practical cases, which are based on the design of insurance products and the reduction of moral risk strategy two by introducing a large number of practical cases. The first chapter is the introduction part of this paper, which points out the research background and significance of this work, analyzes the research status at home and abroad, and then points out the main research content and creation of this paper. The second chapter is the theoretical basis of this study, mainly including information asymmetry theory and principal-agent theory. The theoretical background, theoretical significance, establishment method and main content of the two theories are introduced respectively. The third chapter is the analysis of the status of auto insurance fraud fraud, first of all, definition and definition of car insurance fraud. The article introduces the law and the characteristics, and then leads to the moral hazard is a major factor that triggering the automobile insurance fraud. Through an example, it analyzes two common forms of the moral risk in the fraud of the auto insurance claims. From the example, we can see that the lack of the related parties in the insurance is the result of the present fraud. In addition, through data analysis, this paper finds that the professionalization and gangs of automobile insurance fraud are becoming more and more obvious at present, and these phenomena should be paid more attention to the relevant departments in time. In the fourth chapter, this paper studies the deep reasons of auto insurance compensation fraud, and these reasons are classified into five aspects in general. The fifth chapter, on the basis of the analysis results in the third and the fourth chapters, is based on the results of the analysis of the third and the fourth chapters. The design, the three angles of reducing the probability of moral hazard and the prevention of the users themselves, give some specific measures to prevent the fraud of the auto insurance claims, so as to hope that the relevant administrative departments can provide meaningful reference when formulating the management methods and laws and regulations.
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