发布时间:2018-06-29 18:46
本文选题:社会保障 + 新型农村社会养老保险 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:目前,我国正处于经济社会发展的重要战略机遇期与社会转型期。国家的方方面面都在发生着复杂而深刻的变化,各种社会矛盾凸显。截止2011年末,全国大陆总人口为134735万人,比上年末增加644万人,其中城镇人口为69079万人,占总人口比重首次超过50%,达到51.3%。大量农村青年外出务工、求学,使得农村人口结构发生了巨大变化,空巢老人、留守老人越来越成为一种普遍的社会现象,传统的养儿防老模式已经不能适应经济社会快速发展的需要,农村大部分老年人正面临着养老困境,成为整个社会中最边缘化和最弱势的群体之一。建立和完善农村社会养老保险制度是解决上述问题的最有效途径。 吉林是我国著名的农业大省,全国重要的商品粮生产基地,有着丰富的农副产品资源,但是经济发展却相当落后,属中国经济欠发达地区之一。近年来,吉林省人口老龄化程度日趋严重,截止2010年11月1日零时,全省常住人口中,65岁及以上的人口为2302633人,占8.38%。同2000年第五次全国人口普查相比,65岁及以上人口的比重上升了2.53个百分点。伴随着人口老龄化问题特别是农村人口老龄化问题的日益加剧,吉林省农村社会养老保险制度发展却严重滞后。目前家庭养老和土地养老在吉林省农村仍然是主要的养老方式,而计划生育政策的施行和农村劳动力转移以及土地保障能力的下降,使这两种养老方式难以为继。因此,深入研究适合自己的养老保险模式问题,从吉林省自身实际出发,积极探索符合国情、省情的农村养老保险之路迫在眉睫。论文详细剖析了农村养老保险制度的相关概念,马克思主义的理论渊源,从历史的角度出发,细致回顾了我国农村养老保险的发展历程。结合自2009年以来吉林省新型农村社会养老保险的运行情况,对当前现状及存在的问题进行了细致深入的分析,具体包括:农民较低的收入水平导致缴费能力低下;中青年群体参保意愿不足、整体参保意识薄弱;基金统筹管理层次低;新农保基金保值增值难;基础养老金标准设置低、不确定性强等五个方面。结合吉林省实际,以解决新农保运行过程中存在的问题为出发点,从“明确农村社会保障制度的发展原则”、“优化农村社会养老保险运行的机制”、“加大新农保政策宣传力度,,破除农民陈旧思想”、“积极探索新型农村集体养老模式”等四个方面提出了进一步促进吉林省新型农村社会养老保险制度发展的对策,为进一步完善吉林新农保制度提供了思路。 文章主要采用了文献研究、理论结合实际研究以及比较研究等三种方法,对吉林省新农保的运行现状、存在的问题以及解决办法等进行了系统研究和阐述。
[Abstract]:At present, China is in the economic and social development of an important strategic opportunity period and social transformation. All aspects of the country are undergoing complex and profound changes, various social contradictions highlight. By the end of 2011, the total population of the mainland was 1.34735 billion, 6.44 million more than at the end of last year, of which 690.79 million were in cities and towns, accounting for the first time more than 50 percent of the total population, reaching 51.3 percent. A large number of rural youth went out to work and study, which made the rural population structure change greatly. The empty nest elderly and the elderly left behind have become a universal social phenomenon. The traditional mode of raising children and preventing the elderly has been unable to meet the needs of rapid economic and social development. Most of the elderly in rural areas are facing the plight of providing for the aged and have become one of the most marginalized and vulnerable groups in the whole society. Establishing and perfecting the rural social endowment insurance system is the most effective way to solve the above problems. Jilin is a famous agricultural province in China. Jilin is an important commodity grain production base in China. It has abundant resources of agricultural and sideline products, but its economic development is rather backward, and it is one of the underdeveloped regions in China. In recent years, the aging degree of population in Jilin Province is becoming more and more serious. As of 00:00 on November 1, 2010, the population aged 65 and above in the resident population of Jilin Province is 2302633, accounting for 8.38. Compared with the fifth national census in 2000, the proportion of population aged 65 and above increased by 2.53 percentage points. With the aging of the population, especially the aging of the rural population, the development of rural social endowment insurance system in Jilin Province lags behind seriously. At present, the family pension and land pension are still the main old-age pension in the rural areas of Jilin Province, but the implementation of family planning policy, rural labor force transfer and the decline of land security ability make these two forms of pension unsustainable. Therefore, it is urgent to study the mode of endowment insurance in Jilin Province and explore the rural old-age insurance which is in line with the national conditions and the situation of the province. This paper analyzes the related concepts of rural old-age insurance system, the theoretical origin of Marxism, from the historical point of view, a detailed review of the development of rural old-age insurance in China. Combined with the operation of the new rural social old-age insurance in Jilin Province since 2009, the current situation and existing problems are analyzed in detail, including: the low income level of farmers leads to the low ability to pay fees; Young and middle-aged groups lack of willingness to participate in insurance, the overall awareness of participation is weak; the level of overall fund management is low; the new rural insurance fund is difficult to maintain and increase value; the basic pension standard is low, uncertainty is strong. Combining with the reality of Jilin Province, this paper starts with solving the problems existing in the operation of the new rural social security system, from the perspective of "clarifying the development principles of the rural social security system" and "optimizing the operation mechanism of the rural social old-age insurance". This paper puts forward the countermeasures to further promote the development of the new rural social endowment insurance system in Jilin Province from the four aspects of "strengthening the propaganda of the new rural insurance policy, breaking the old thinking of peasants", and "actively exploring the new rural collective old-age support mode". For the further improvement of Jilin new agricultural insurance system to provide ideas. This paper mainly adopts three methods of literature research, theoretical and practical research and comparative study, to systematically study and explain the current situation, existing problems and solutions of the new rural insurance in Jilin Province.
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