[Abstract]:China has been reforming its pension system for 20 years, largely on the basis of the World Bank's 1994 report. Like many other countries that have adopted and abandoned this model of reform, China is now in trouble. From the perspective of theory and the practice of global pension reform in the past 20 years, this paper reflects on the core point of view of the 1994 report of the World Bank, hoping to help China rebuild a more appropriate level. And a more financially sustainable pension system. In this paper, we discuss whether the accumulation pension can cope with the aging of the population and promote economic growth, whether the distribution of income between generations is fair, the share and progression of public pension in the income of the elderly. This paper analyzes the matching relationship between policy comparative advantage and objectives, and points out that the 1994 report of the World Bank is still far from a scientifically proven empirical study, so the developed countries have not adopted this reform model. Instead, the financial sustainability of the pension system is solved through the implementation of an automatic balance mechanism. This paper suggests that China adopt the accounting pension system to solve the current dilemma.
【作者单位】: 日本一桥大学日本养老金与老年计划综合研究所;中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济研究所;
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