[Abstract]:Agriculture, countryside and peasant problem, all the time our party and government pay close attention to major problem all the time. China is a large agricultural country, the vast majority of the population is in the countryside, the "three rural" problem can not be solved, which not only restricts the rapid development of rural economy and the sustainable development of new rural construction. And will affect the harmony and stability of the whole society and the overall realization of a well-off society. Rural popular such a sentence: "small illness, serious illness, can not be carried to the hospital", which fully shows that the health of farmers can not be guaranteed. Based on the sustainable development of the new rural cooperative medical system, this paper expounds the following aspects: the first part focuses on the theoretical basis for the development of the new rural cooperative medical care. Firstly, it introduces the Marxist theory of social security and summarizes it from three aspects: (1) Marx's theory of human demand; (2) Lenin's view on social security of socialist countries; (3) the views of our Party leaders on social security. Secondly, introduced the western social security theory. This paper expounds from two aspects: (1) an overview of the western social security theory and (2) the main viewpoints affecting the establishment of the medical security system. The second part introduces the establishment, development and restrictive factors of the new rural cooperative medical system, and expounds the following five aspects: (1) the historical evolution process of the traditional rural cooperative medical system and its experience and lessons; (2) the necessity of the establishment of the new rural cooperative medical system; (3) the experimental situation of the new rural cooperative medical system, the main results and the development model; (4) the characteristics of the new rural cooperative medical care system; (5) the restrictive factors and their causes of the sustainable development of the new rural cooperative medical system. The third part introduces the countermeasures and suggestions to establish and perfect the new rural cooperative medical system with Chinese characteristics. This chapter has carried on the elaboration from two aspects: (1) the western medical security pattern may draw lessons from the place; (2) the new rural cooperative medical treatment sustainable development opinion and the countermeasure.
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