[Abstract]:From the development of insurance industry in our country, insurance has important meaning to people's life. When the insured causes economic loss due to the risk accident, the insurance company bears all or part of the risk loss, and the insured can get the compensation from the insurance company. Thus reducing the risk loss of the insured. But the insurance company is the financial service industry aiming at profit, so it is very important for the insurance company to choose a reasonable settlement scheme. The purpose of this paper is to discuss an optimal insurance model with a maximum claim limit and a certain amount of compensation under small losses. In this paper, the properties and characteristics of the claim model are derived under certain restriction conditions. At the same time, compared with Zhou's claim model (model 1), the advantages and disadvantages of insurance claim model 3 proposed in this paper are summarized. At the beginning of this paper, we introduce some loss models studied by predecessors, calculate the pure premium of some models, and discuss the influence of the model on the pure premium under different restricted conditions. In addition, the concepts of utility function and risk aversion coefficient are also introduced in order to facilitate the later application. In the end, an improved insurance claim model with minimum loss limit and maximum loss limit is proposed. The influence of parameters d and 未 on the optimal value of the model is discussed under certain conditions by using the principle of maximum value through a large amount of calculation, derivation and drawing. Finally, it is concluded that when the singular number in model 3 is N times of the number of policies in model 1 (N is represented by a specific formula in this paper), the two models can get equal returns, but if the number of policies is greater than N, Model 3 is superior to model 1. Because model 3 has some advantages in small amount of compensation, it is easier for the insured to choose model 3.
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