[Abstract]:Industrial injury insurance is an important part of our social insurance system. It plays an important role in the social and economic life of our country, because of its close relationship with production safety, it also attracts more and more attention of the public. With the rapid development of the market economy in our country, the importance of industrial injury insurance has been gradually highlighted. In today's harmonious society, we should establish and improve the trinity of industrial injury insurance system of "industrial injury prevention, industrial injury rehabilitation, and industrial injury compensation." It is an important part of the scientific development view of our country, the important content of innovating social management, and the economic guarantee of constructing socialist harmonious society. Industrial injury insurance is closely related to production safety, and the problems of industrial injury insurance and production safety in the coal industry, which is the mainstay of energy, need more attention. Because of the high risk of coal mine and the characteristics of underground operation, coal mine accidents occur frequently. In 2012 alone, 72 major accidents occurred and 350 people died (China Coal Industry Yearbook 2012). The coal industry is basically underground, because of natural or man-made factors, industrial accidents occur frequently, and potential occupational diseases, such as lung cancer, threaten the health of coal miners at all times. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the industrial injury insurance in coal mine industry to perfect the coal mine injury insurance system and reduce the accident rate. In this paper, in the study of coal mine industrial accidents, the use of statistical methods, first of all, with the 2004 Industrial injury Insurance regulations as the boundary into two stages of detailed analysis of industrial accidents in China's coal industry. The introduction of a million ton mortality rate to the coal production and the number of deaths in the coal industry is systematically analyzed. The results show that, although with the development of the economy and the progress of coal mining enterprises, the mortality rate has decreased, but compared with the developed countries, There is still a big gap. This paper further expounds the present situation of industrial injury insurance in China's coal mine industry, introduces the development of industrial injury insurance in China's coal mine, and then introduces the system of industrial injury insurance, the prevention of industrial injury in coal mine, and the rate of industrial injury in our country. This paper puts forward the problems of industrial injury insurance in China's coal mine industry from five aspects, such as industrial injury rehabilitation and compensation mechanism, and expounds the causes of these problems, which provides the basis for putting forward the feasible countermeasures and suggestions of industrial injury insurance in China's coal mine industry. Then the successful experience of industrial injury insurance in coal mine industry in two typical countries of Australia and Japan is used for reference to improve the industrial injury insurance system of coal mine in China.
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