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发布时间:2018-09-01 09:53
【摘要】:伴随着社会经济的不断发展,经济结构的变化以及人民社会保障意识的增强,二元分割的社会保障制度已经越来越不适应社会经济的发展需求,消除居民养老保障的城乡二元分割状态,实现城乡一体化的养老保险制度的呼声日趋强烈。实现城乡一体化成为国家的重要政策,城乡一体化社会保障制度由此也成为了理论工作者研究的热门话题。构建城乡一体化居民社会养老保险制度对于缓解人口老龄化的严峻挑战,破除二元结构、建设现代化,构建和谐社会都有重要意义。 本文运用特殊性与普遍性相结合的方法对莱芜市城乡一体化居民社会养老保险制度进行了分析,通过对莱芜市城乡一体化实施情况的个性分析总结出普遍性,总结了有利于全国推广实施的经验。本文主要得出了以下主要结论: (1)城乡一体化居民社会养老保险制度就是统筹城乡,打破城乡二元分割,无论是城镇居民还是农民,都纳入统一的社会养老保险制度,从而使城镇与农村居民老年后得到基本生活保障的社会养老保险制度。实行城乡一体化居民社会养老保险制度,有利于缓解人口老龄化的严峻挑战,有利于破除二元结构、建设现代化,有利于促进和谐社会的实现,因而是十分必要的。近些年来,我国经济、社会有了较快发展,国家和地方也出台了一些城乡一体化的政策,说明城乡一体化居民社会养老保险制度具有了经济、社会及政策基础,因而,,又是可行的。 (2)莱芜市居民养老保险经历了三个阶段:第一阶段是莱芜市新型农村社会养老保险萌芽阶段(2007年-2009年),第二阶段是莱芜市新型农村社会养老保险制度发展阶段(2009年-2011年),第三阶段是莱芜市城乡一体化居民社会养老保险制度推行阶段(2012年至今)。 (3)通过对莱芜市城乡一体化居民社会养老保险制度基金筹资机制、基金运营机制、养老金发放机制和管理机制等运行机制的分析,表明总体上能正常运行,产生了较好地社会效果。 (4)莱芜市城乡一体化居民社会养老保险制度建设取得了一定的成果,但也存在着规范性不够、保障水平较低、基层管理软硬件建设滞后影响工作效率等问题。产生这些问题的原因是多方面的,但归纳起来,主要有经济发展水平较低、政府支持不够、参保居民文化素质较低等原因。 (5)莱芜市城乡一体化居民社会养老保险制度优化应遵循的基本原则是:公平原则;与社会发展相适应原则;普遍性与选择性相结合原则;政府主导,社会参与原则。 (6)根据莱芜市实际,实现莱芜市城乡一体化居民社会养老保险制度优化应采取以下基本措施:提高筹资标准与保障水平;打破居民的身份限制,建立养老保险全国统一的社会保障号码;改革基金管理模式,提高养老基金的保值增能力;重视管理监督,提升经办机构服务水平,提高有效性。还应做好立法、经济、社会及其他社会保障制度衔接等配套措施。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of social economy, the change of economic structure and the enhancement of people's social security consciousness, the dual division of social security system has become increasingly inadaptable to the needs of social and economic development, eliminating the dual division of urban and rural residents'old-age security, and realizing the integration of urban and rural old-age insurance system is becoming increasingly strong. The integration of urban and rural areas has become an important policy of our country, and the integration of urban and rural social security system has become a hot topic of theoretical research. Righteousness.
This paper uses the method of combining particularity and universality to analyze the social endowment insurance system of urban-rural integration residents in Laiwu City. It summarizes the universality through the analysis of the individuality of the implementation of urban-rural integration in Laiwu City, and summarizes the experience conducive to the nationwide promotion and implementation.
(1) Urban-rural integration of social endowment insurance system is to balance urban and rural areas, break the urban-rural dual division, whether urban residents or farmers, are included in a unified social endowment insurance system, so that urban and rural residents get basic living security after old age social endowment insurance system. Insurance system is very necessary for alleviating the severe challenge of population aging, breaking the dual structure, building modernization and promoting the realization of a harmonious society. The social endowment insurance system has the economic, social and policy basis, so it is feasible.
(2) Laiwu residents'endowment insurance has gone through three stages: the first stage is the embryonic stage of the new rural social endowment insurance in Laiwu (2007-2009), the second stage is the development stage of the new rural social endowment insurance system in Laiwu (2009-2011), and the third stage is the integration of urban and rural residents' social endowment insurance system in Laiwu. Implementation phase (2012 to date).
(3) Through the analysis of the fund-raising mechanism, fund operation mechanism, pension-issuing mechanism and management mechanism of the social endowment insurance system for urban and rural residents in Laiwu City, the results show that it can operate normally and produce a better social effect.
(4) Laiwu city and countryside integration residents social endowment insurance system construction has made certain achievements, but there are still some problems, such as lack of standardization, low level of security, grass-roots management software and hardware construction lagging behind the work efficiency. Insufficient support and low cultural quality of insured residents.
(5) The basic principles to be followed in the optimization of the social endowment insurance system for urban and rural residents in Laiwu are: fairness principle; the principle of adapting to social development; the principle of combining universality and selectivity; the principle of government leading and social participation.
(6) According to the actual situation of Laiwu City, the following basic measures should be taken to optimize the social endowment insurance system for urban and rural residents in Laiwu City: to raise the financing standards and security level; to break the identity restrictions of residents, to establish a unified national social security number for endowment insurance; to reform the fund management model, and to increase the value and capacity of the pension fund We should also do a good job in legislation, economic, social and other social security system links and other supporting measures.


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