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发布时间:2018-09-01 11:51
[Abstract]:The New Rural Cooperative Medical System, commonly known as the New Rural Cooperative Medical System, is a unique medical mutual insurance system in China. Its leader is the government, the right to participate and the freedom to return to the individual. This study takes Shanglin County as an example to systematically analyze the current situation of the management of the new rural cooperative medical fund and its risk factors, so as to provide targeted risk prevention measures. Set up, store and pay three aspects of fund management risk issues for research and analysis, using risk management theory to build the corresponding control system, proposed to improve the management system of the new rural cooperative medical system, strengthen internal control; establish a standardized financing mechanism of the new rural cooperative medical fund; strengthen the new rural cooperative medical fund payment mode reform, pay by bed, according to head To reform the comprehensive payment mode of the prepayment system of medical expenses according to the types of diseases and the total amount of prepayment; to strengthen the informationization construction and establish a risk prevention and early warning mechanism; to establish a systematic supervision system, adhere to the "sunshine operation" and implement democratic supervision. This paper studies the countermeasures to prevent and reduce the irrational problems in the use of the new rural cooperative medical fund. Provide reference and basis for decision making.


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