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发布时间:2018-09-06 14:19
[Abstract]:With the development of Internet technology, big data analysis gradually infiltrated into various industries, including the medical industry. In the process of medical digitization, EMR (Electronic Medical record) and his (Hospital Information system) and MI (Medical Imaging) are produced. Intel predicts that medical data will rise to 35ZB by 2020, 44 times the amount of data in 2009. The medical industry is facing great challenges and opportunities of massive data and unstructured data. Big data is gradually changing the field of public health care. Based on the summary and theoretical analysis of relevant research at home and abroad, this paper analyzes the data mining of the first page data and the overall medical cost data from the point of view of medical insurance. To provide scientific basis for the rational formulation of relevant decisions. The main research work of this paper is as follows: 1. Study on the disease characteristics and cost analysis of four kinds of high-incidence diseases. By mining and analyzing the first page data of the inpatient medical records, the basic characteristics of the four diseases are summarized, and the reimbursement standard of the medical insurance costs for the four diseases DRGs is obtained. Through descriptive analysis, regression analysis and other basic statistical methods, the basic characteristics of four kinds of high incidence diseases are obtained, and the internal rules of hospitalization medical expenses are further excavated by decision tree analysis, and the reimbursement standard of medical insurance costs for four diseases DRGs is obtained. The characteristics and cost analysis of high incidence disease based on DRGs can provide data support for the establishment of medical insurance related expense reimbursement policy in medical insurance institutions, which has great application value. Analysis of medical insurance expenses for major diseases. The total expenditure of health care, the per capita medical care expenditure of urban and rural residents, the per capita medical expenditure of inpatients and the expenditure of basic medical insurance fund are all increasing rapidly in China. By mining and analyzing the data of residents' overall medical expenses in Xi'an, the distribution of residents' hospitalization medical expenses and out-of-pocket medical expenses is obtained, and on this basis, the high cost insurance premium is calculated according to the empirical frequency method pricing model. The research results of this paper have great application value to the research of the premium of the commercial medical insurance of the cost type, and also have certain contribution to the enrichment and perfection of the medical insurance market of our country at the same time. The growing medical treatment big data is a major resource advantage of the medical industry. Medical insurance institutions must pay attention to collecting the medical data generated in the process of medical digitization and provide the basis for the formulation of related policies through scientific and systematic analysis and summary. Medical institutions should focus on this advantage, carry on the medical big data's statistical description, data mining, modeling and forecasting, in order to provide the relevant decision support based on massive data analysis.


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