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发布时间:2018-09-11 09:43
【摘要】:农业、农村、农民的和谐,是我国社会和谐的基础,更是社会主义现代化建设事业的重中之重。新型农村合作医疗保险制度,又称新农合(以下简称新农合),是我国农村社会保障体系的重要组成部分,政府在新农合中发挥了不可替代的作用,坚持政府在新农合体系中的主导地位,有助于“三农”问题的解决,促进全面建设小康社会、和谐社会的实现。同时,商业保险机构参与新农合,可以弥补单一政府主体带来的不足,提高新农合的筹资水平、保障水平与专业化程度,进而更好地维护农民利益。因此,对于商业保险机构参与新农合相关问题的研究,具有重要的理论价值与现实意义。 本文由五章组成。第一章主要介绍了本文研究课题的背景、意义以及研究方法,并根据国内外相关学者的研究状况进行了总结;第二章阐述了我国新农合的基本理论,对新农合与传统农村合作医疗制度进行了对比分析,并介绍了政府职能在新农合体系中的发挥,以及政府职能的优势以及局限;第三章为理论部分,介绍了公共物品相关理论以及出现在公共物品领域的政府机制、市场机制双失灵的悲剧,结合罗纳德H·科斯的理论以及多位经济学家的探索,分析了公用物品私人供给机制的可行性及优势;第四章比较了世界上存在的四种主流农村医疗保险模式:全民医疗保险模式、商业医疗保险模式、社会医疗保险模式、社区医疗保险模式,通过对不同医疗保险模式优缺点的介绍以及不同国家国情的介绍,总结出了我国可以借鉴应用的商业化经验;第五章首先通过对新农合的物品性质分析得出公共物品私人供给模式在理论上是适应我国新农合的,随后介绍了两种已经在我国获得成功的新农合商业化模式:以“江阴模式”为代表的第三方委托经办模式以及以“宜兴模式”、“湛江模式”为代表的保险合同模式,结合这两种模式的优点以及局限性,提出了一种创新模式:商业保险机构全过程参与,增加险种,注重大病。
[Abstract]:The harmony of agriculture, countryside and farmers is the foundation of social harmony in our country and the most important part of socialist modernization. The new rural cooperative medical insurance system, also called the new rural cooperative medical insurance system, is an important part of the rural social security system of our country. The government has played an irreplaceable role in the new rural cooperative medical insurance system. Insisting on the leading position of the government in the new rural cooperative system is helpful to solve the problem of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and promote the construction of a well-off society in an all-round way and the realization of a harmonious society. At the same time, the participation of commercial insurance institutions in NCMS can make up for the shortcomings brought by the single government, improve the level of financing, safeguard the level and specialization of NCMS, and then better safeguard the interests of farmers. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance for commercial insurance institutions to participate in new agricultural cooperation. This paper consists of five chapters. The first chapter mainly introduces the background, significance and research methods of this research topic, and summarizes the research situation of related scholars at home and abroad. This paper makes a comparative analysis of the new rural cooperative medical system and the traditional rural cooperative medical system, and introduces the exertion of the government function in the new rural cooperative medical system, as well as the advantages and limitations of the government function. This paper introduces the related theories of public goods, the government mechanism appearing in the field of public goods, the tragedy of double failure of market mechanism, and the exploration of many economists combined with the theory of Ronald H. Coase. Chapter four compares the four main rural medical insurance modes in the world: universal medical insurance model, commercial medical insurance model, social medical insurance model. By introducing the advantages and disadvantages of different medical insurance modes and the national conditions of different countries, this paper summarizes the commercial experience that our country can use for reference. In the fifth chapter, through the analysis of the nature of NCMS, it is concluded that the private supply mode of public goods is suitable for NCMS in theory. Then it introduces two successful commercial models of NCMS in China: the "Jiangyin Model" and the "Yixing Model" and the "Zhanjiang Model" as the representative of the insurance contract model. Combined with the advantages and limitations of these two models, this paper puts forward an innovative model: commercial insurance institutions participate in the whole process, increase insurance coverage, and pay attention to serious illness.


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