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发布时间:2018-09-13 08:42
[Abstract]:Agricultural insurance is an important part of national agricultural development. From the government level, the perfection of agricultural insurance system is directly related to the development of regional agricultural economy, and agricultural insurance is also an important part of insurance industry. But different from general commercial insurance, as a policy system, it is an important guarantee for government to protect and develop agriculture. However, due to the serious information asymmetry of farmers and insurance companies in the agricultural insurance market, it often leads to moral hazard of insurance companies and insured farmers, especially the behavior of moral hazard of insured farmers. It will seriously affect the efficiency of policy-based agricultural insurance in China, especially in large agricultural provinces such as Anhui Province. On the other hand, the lack of corresponding legal punishment and supervision mechanism intensifies the moral hazard. Therefore, insurance companies need to design insurance contracts to guard against moral hazard. From the angle of agricultural insurance company, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis and investigation on the present situation of agricultural insurance development and academic research in China, and introduces the concepts of agricultural risk and risk management. On this basis, this paper analyzes the moral hazard of insured farmers in the process of actual agricultural insurance by using game theory, and studies the goal of maximizing the utility of insured farmers. Whether the level of investment in agricultural production will be reduced because of the purchase of agricultural insurance, and whether the insured farmers will falsely report their disaster losses in order to obtain a higher compensation amount after the agricultural disasters occur. In view of the moral hazard in agricultural insurance before and after, this paper starts with the design of the incentive mechanism of agricultural insurance, and studies how to design the insurance contract in view of the moral hazard existing in the agricultural insurance, and how to design the insurance contract. So that the insured farmers can improve the level of their efforts and how to reduce the losses of farmers by setting the insurance cost reasonably after the disaster, so as to effectively curb the moral hazard behavior and maintain the normal income of insurance companies. Through the game analysis of the insured farmers' moral hazard, it is found that when there is a prior moral hazard, the insured farmers have the risk of reducing their efforts, and after the disaster, the insured farmers have the post-moral-hazard behavior of falsely reporting the disaster losses. Based on this kind of behavior of insured farmers, this paper designs a risk defense contract, obtains the optimal solution conditions through the model, and discusses the risk sharing situation, the optimal agricultural insurance rate and the optimal agricultural disaster compensation mechanism under the optimal solution. We find that under the prior moral hazard, the agricultural insurance company can transfer part of the risk to the insured farmers, thus it can promote the insured farmers to raise the level of investment efforts and restrain the prior moral hazard. According to the moral hazard after the event, in the optimal contract, the insurance company can set up the incentive contract of agricultural insurance by means of economic punishment, examination of supervision and adjustment of insurance fee, so as to effectively reduce the behavior of moral hazard after the event. The research on the insurance contract of preventing moral hazard can not only reduce the moral hazard of insured farmers, guide the consciousness of honesty, but also increase the profit of agricultural insurance company, which is the policy dependent agricultural insurance company of our country. For example, Guoyuan Agricultural Insurance Company provides a theoretical basis for the design of moral hazard prevention mechanism for insured farmers.


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