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发布时间:2018-09-14 07:29
【摘要】:中国经济快速发展以及工业化进程加速,我国职业伤害问题也随之而来,目前的安全生产形势仍然严峻,给我国市场造成直接经济损失的同时,也给职工合法权益保障带来挑战。雇主责任保险作为责任保险,在保证责任人的赔偿能力和受害人赔偿利益的同时,具有防灾防损、维持社会稳定和助推经济发展的社会管理功能。目前,我国雇主责任保险发展缓慢,而工伤保险在覆盖范围、保障水平等方面都还存在不足,这与用人单位和雇员的安全保障实际需求不符合,本文从保障职工权益的角度分析了我国雇主责任保险发展问题。 本文首先介绍了研究背景、研究目的和意义,以及国内外专家和学者对雇主责任保险相关领域的研究成果。随后阐述了全文的理论框架,主要介绍了雇主责任保险的涵义和相关重要概念的法律意义,将雇主责任保险与相关制度如工伤保险、团体人身意外伤害保险进行比较,并介绍了企业社会责任、职工权益保障等重要理论。其次,介绍了我国职业劳动安全卫生问题的严重性,我国雇主责任保险的业务发展现状及存在问题,分析其发展滞后的原因。再次,研究发展雇主责任保险在构建职工权益保障机制中的理论定位和现实定位,提出了雇主责任险与工伤保险、雇主民事损害赔偿责任相互协调,并且在高危行业推行强制投保雇主责任保险。最后,针对我国职业伤害赔偿相关法律的缺失现状,对于构建《雇主责任保险条例》、《雇主责任保险条例实施细则》提出设想。根据以上分析结果,提出了我国雇主责任保险在职工权益保障中的发展策略及相关建议。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy and the acceleration of the process of industrialization, the problem of occupational injury in China has also followed. The current situation of safety in production is still grim, causing direct economic losses to the Chinese market at the same time. It also brings challenges to the protection of workers' legitimate rights and interests. The employer's liability insurance, as the liability insurance, has the social management function of preventing disaster and preventing losses, maintaining social stability and boosting the economic development, while ensuring the compensation ability of the responsible person and the compensation benefit of the victim. At present, the development of employer liability insurance in China is slow, but the coverage and level of protection of industrial injury insurance are still insufficient, which is not in line with the actual demand for safety and security of employers and employees. This paper analyzes the development of employer liability insurance in China from the angle of protecting workers' rights and interests. This paper first introduces the research background, purpose and significance, as well as domestic and foreign experts and scholars on employer liability insurance related fields of research results. Then, the theoretical framework of the full text is expounded, which mainly introduces the meaning of employer liability insurance and the legal significance of related important concepts, and compares employer liability insurance with related systems such as industrial injury insurance, group personal accident insurance, etc. And introduced the enterprise social responsibility, the worker rights and interests safeguard and so on important theory. Secondly, it introduces the seriousness of occupational labor safety and health problems, the present situation of the development of employer liability insurance and the existing problems, and analyzes the reasons why the development of employer liability insurance lags behind. Thirdly, it studies the theoretical and practical orientation of the development of employer liability insurance in the construction of employee rights and interests protection mechanism, and puts forward the coordination between employer liability insurance and industrial injury insurance, employer civil damage compensation liability. And in high-risk industries to enforce mandatory employer liability insurance. Finally, aiming at the lack of relevant laws of occupational injury compensation in our country, this paper puts forward a tentative plan for the construction of "employer liability Insurance regulations" and "implementing rules of employer's liability Insurance regulations". Based on the above analysis, the author puts forward the development strategy and relevant suggestions of employer liability insurance in the protection of workers' rights and interests.


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