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发布时间:2018-09-18 16:21
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the aging of the population, the basic old-age insurance system in many countries in the world is struggling, and the old-age security crisis occurs frequently. Each country begins to reflect on the current pension insurance policies, and puts forward the solutions and assumptions one after another. Enterprise annuity system arises at the historic moment. In recent years, the scale of the development of the enterprise pension market in our country has been increasing, but in the multi-pillar pension security system, there is a situation that the first pillar is the only one, and the enterprise pension system plays a relatively small role in replacing the aged, and the potential remains to be exploited. This article takes the enterprise annuity market value chain activity as the main line, defines from the enterprise annuity market value chain related concept, The development status and existing problems of enterprise annuity market value chain and the construction of perfect enterprise annuity market value chain system are expounded in three parts. First of all, this paper defines and explains the value chain of enterprise annuity market based on the research and understanding of the enterprise annuity market and the value chain. By using the theory of three pillars of old-age security, stakeholder theory and principal-agent theory, the theoretical basis for realizing the orderly operation of the value chain of enterprise annuity market is expounded. The three theories emphasize the importance of balanced development of the three pillars of old-age security, clarify the functional orientation of enterprise pension system as the second pillar of old-age security, and provide a theoretical basis for improving the replacement rate of old-age security for enterprise pension funds. Secondly, according to the current situation that the value chain of enterprise annuity market is formed from scratch and from spontaneous value chain to self-conscious value chain, this paper analyzes the operation mode and operation effect of enterprise annuity market value chain. It is found that there are some problems in the process of development, such as the emptiness of the trustee, the double level principal-agent risk between the trustor and the trustee, and the imperfect supervision system. Finally, this paper puts forward the value increment model of the closed-loop enterprise annuity market value chain and the value creation model based on the trust superposition effect model from two aspects of realizing the maintenance and increment of the enterprise annuity market value chain. From the aspects of creating a good legal environment, implementing positive and effective tax policies, strengthening supervision and so on, perfecting the annuity market value chain system, and putting forward some policy suggestions. To realize the healthy development of enterprise annuity market value chain, the most important thing is to realize the stable development of value chain, culture chain and risk chain.


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