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发布时间:2018-09-18 18:04
[Abstract]:In the past 30 years or so, China has implemented a strict family planning policy that has led to a decline in the number of births, while economic development has increased the average life expectancy. The old-age dependency ratio increased from 9.5 in 1996 to 14.3 in 2015, and the deterioration of the population structure will put great pressure on the basic old-age insurance system. In order to relieve the pressure of supporting the aged, the family planning policy of our country has changed greatly: from one child to "single two children", and then to the all-around second child. At the same time, in order to benefit all urban and rural residents, the combination of new rural old-age insurance and urban old-age insurance has become an important part of the old-age insurance system in China. Therefore, under the dual background of the reform of the old-age insurance system and the change of the birth policy, can the pressure of the old-age security system in our country be effectively alleviated? At the same time, how to perfect the pension insurance system of urban and rural residents to adapt to the reality of our country has become a new research topic. In this paper, a population forecasting model, an actuarial model of fund income and expenditure are established by combining the relevant knowledge of statistics, actuarial science and demography, etc. This paper calculates the balance of income and expenditure of China's endowment insurance (including urban and rural workers' pension insurance and urban and rural residents' old-age insurance), and then carries out a policy simulation analysis of the factors affecting the income and expenditure of pension insurance, in order to improve the pension insurance system. Raise endowment insurance pay ability, provide important reference. The results show that: first, under the two-child policy, the total population of China will reach a peak of 1.444 billion in 2029, then it will begin to decline, and the old-age dependency ratio will continue to rise; second, The effect of the two-child policy on the income and expenditure of China's old-age insurance has a certain delay, and the current policy effect is still insufficient to effectively alleviate the payment pressure of the future pension insurance; third, The implementation of the deferred retirement policy after the two-child policy (the age at which the pension is received) will effectively improve the income and expenditure of the old-age insurance. Fourth, the contribution rate and the payout coefficient of the insured personnel will be increased. Ensuring the return rate of funds will also effectively alleviate the financial pressure under the current pension insurance system; fifthly, healthy economic development is the most basic force to ensure the sustainability of pension insurance. Therefore, we should establish a perfect pension insurance system to ensure the level of economic development, encourage people to give birth to two children, and implement more policies to ensure the long-term sustainable development of China's old-age insurance.


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