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发布时间:2018-10-09 20:08
【摘要】:近年来,巨灾接连不断地发生,所造成的危害和损失威胁着社会的稳定。巨灾风险主体行为不仅关系着自身的生命财产安全,更是巨灾风险管理中不可忽视的重要内容。而就我国目前的情况来看,巨灾风险管理深受巨灾风险主体风险意识淡薄、防范措施缺乏等问题困扰。因而探索巨灾风险主体行为特征及其影响因子,并针对巨灾风险主体行为影响因素提出对策建议至关重要。 文章首先提出了所要研究的问题以及研究背景,然后对文章所需要的理论内容进行了详细的梳理,之后通过问卷调查的方式获取原始数据,利用SPSS17.0软件,选取了描述分析、方差分析、因子分析、相关分析四种分析方法来对数据加以分析,得到的实证结论主要是:(1)大部分人巨灾风险意识淡薄,关注频率低下,预防措施缺乏。(2)人口统计特征性别、年龄、文化水平、收入对巨灾风险意识、风险行为、风险行为评价有不同程度的差异,而对收入风险态度、损失风险态度的认识并不存在显著差异,从而认为人人所厌恶的并不是风险本身,而是厌恶损失。(3)利用因子分析方法以达到降维的目的,分析过程显示,巨灾风险意识是影响巨灾风险行为非常重要的因素,其作用不容忽视。(4)有无补贴的情况下,影响投保人投保巨灾保险的因素各不相同。相关分析的结果显示,若政府不提供补贴,关注频率与购买巨灾保险之间的相关关系并不显著;在政府提供补贴的前提下,关注频率与购买巨灾保险存在负相关关系。这可能是由于关注频率较高,平时预防措施准备充足,加上人们在面对损失时,大多是风险偏好型,因而,无论是否存在政府补贴,巨灾风险主体的行为并未发生明显的改变,可能都不会购买巨灾保险。最后针对实证部分的结果提出了如下建议:第一,利用信息传递渠道,提高关注频率;第二,加强日常防范,提升自我防范能力;第三,普及巨灾风险常识,提升风险意识;第四,参与防灾演习,提高自救能力;第五,正确认识巨灾保险,选取合适的保险产品。
[Abstract]:In recent years, catastrophes have occurred one after another, resulting in damage and losses threatening social stability. The behavior of catastrophe risk subjects is not only related to their own life and property safety, but also an important content that can not be ignored in catastrophe risk management. As far as our country is concerned, catastrophe risk management is beset by such problems as weak risk consciousness and lack of preventive measures. Therefore, it is very important to explore the behavior characteristics of catastrophe risk subject and its influencing factors, and to put forward countermeasures and suggestions for the influencing factors of catastrophe risk subject behavior. The paper first puts forward the problems to be studied and the research background, then combs the theoretical content of the article in detail, then obtains the original data by questionnaire, and selects the description analysis by using SPSS17.0 software. Variance analysis, factor analysis and correlation analysis are four analytical methods to analyze the data. The empirical conclusions are as follows: (1) most people have weak awareness of catastrophe risk, low attention frequency and lack of preventive measures. Age, education level, income to catastrophe risk awareness, risk behavior evaluation have different degrees, but there is no significant difference in income risk attitude and loss risk attitude. It is concluded that what everyone hates is not risk itself, but loss aversion. (3) Factor analysis is used to achieve the goal of dimensionality reduction. The analysis process shows that catastrophe risk awareness is a very important factor affecting catastrophe risk behavior. Its function can not be ignored. (4) under the condition of whether there are subsidies, the factors affecting the insured's catastrophe insurance are different. The results of correlation analysis show that if the government does not provide subsidies, the correlation between the frequency of concern and the purchase of catastrophe insurance is not significant; under the premise of government subsidies, there is a negative correlation between the frequency of concern and the purchase of catastrophe insurance. This may be due to the high frequency of attention, the adequate preparation of preventive measures in peacetime, and the fact that when people face losses, most of them are risk preference types. Therefore, whether or not government subsidies exist, the behavior of catastrophe risk subjects has not changed significantly. May not buy catastrophe insurance. Finally, according to the results of the empirical part, the following suggestions are put forward: first, the use of information transmission channels to improve the frequency of attention; second, to strengthen daily prevention, to enhance the ability of self-prevention; third, to popularize common sense of catastrophe risk, enhance risk awareness; Fourth, participate in disaster prevention exercises, improve self-rescue ability; fifth, correctly understand catastrophe insurance, select appropriate insurance products.


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