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发布时间:2018-10-12 14:18
【摘要】:随着我国人口老龄化速度加快,养老保险的问题越来越受到人们的关注,尤其是农村养老保险问题。在我国农村,社会养老保险一直未得到普及,自农村养老保险试点建立至今已经20多年,但新的养老体系一直没能形成。最关键的是,国家对农村养老保险缺乏财政支持,这造成我国养老保险保障水平低、覆盖率窄、参保人数少等问题。只有使农村养老保险得到财政的支持,才能更好的改善我国农村养老保险现状。因此,学术界对农村养老保险问题的研究也越来越受到重视。本文正是在此基础上,通过理论与实践的结合,就财政政策、农村养老保险政策问题做出的研究。 本文首先在对我国农村社会养老保险现状进行总结分析的基础上,总结出了目前我国农村养老保险实施存在的问题,主要有财政投入力度不足,城乡养老保险投入不均衡,财政责任制度化水平低,财政支持非持续性风险等问题。在认识了我国农村养老保险的现状之后,本文通过对国际先进的农村养老保险模式进行综合阐述、对比、分析,总结出国外农村养老保险制度对我国的启示。最后本文以河北大营镇为例,就其农村养老保险进行了论证分析,通过统计数据来分析大营镇农村社会养老保险实施的可行性及未来发展的规划,,并对我国农村养老保险政策的实施提出了自己的建议。 本文通过采用理论分析、比较分析、定性与定量结合分析等方法,就我国农村养老保险问题进行了研究。通过国内外农村养老保险政策的对比以及河北大营镇农村养老保险的实例探讨,笔者指出只有明确各级政府承担责任比例、提高各级政府补贴水平、拓宽资金来源保证财政支持能力、建立完善的法律制度才能保证我国农村养老保险体系的建设与完善。
[Abstract]:With the rapid aging of the population in China, people pay more and more attention to the problem of old-age insurance, especially in rural areas. In rural China, social endowment insurance has not been popularized. It has been more than 20 years since the establishment of rural pension insurance pilot, but the new pension system has not been formed. The most important thing is that the state lacks financial support for rural old-age insurance, which leads to the low level of pension insurance, narrow coverage rate, low number of insured and so on. Only by making the rural old-age insurance get financial support, can we better improve the present situation of rural old-age insurance in our country. Therefore, more and more attention has been paid to the research of rural endowment insurance in academic circles. On the basis of this, through the combination of theory and practice, this paper makes a study on financial policy and rural old-age insurance policy. Firstly, on the basis of summarizing and analyzing the current situation of rural social endowment insurance in China, this paper summarizes the problems existing in the implementation of rural old-age insurance in our country, including insufficient financial input and unbalanced investment in urban and rural old-age insurance. The financial responsibility institutionalization level is low, the financial support is not sustainable risk and so on. After knowing the present situation of the rural old-age insurance in China, this paper summarizes the enlightenment of the foreign rural old-age insurance system to our country by comprehensively expounding, contrasting and analyzing the international advanced rural old-age insurance model. Finally, taking Daying Town of Hebei Province as an example, this paper demonstrates and analyzes the rural old-age insurance of Daying Town, and analyzes the feasibility of the implementation of rural social old-age insurance in Daying Town and the planning of its future development through statistical data. And put forward own suggestion to our country countryside endowment insurance policy implementation. Through theoretical analysis, comparative analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis and other methods, this paper studies the problem of rural old-age insurance in China. Through the comparison of rural old-age insurance policies at home and abroad and the case study of rural old-age insurance in Daying Town, Hebei Province, the author points out that only by making clear the responsibility ratio of all levels of government, raising the level of government subsidy at all levels, Only by broadening the sources of funds to ensure the ability of financial support and establishing a perfect legal system can we guarantee the construction and perfection of the rural old-age insurance system in China.


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