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发布时间:2018-10-12 17:51
[Abstract]:Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, the aging of the population in China has been accelerating, and the proportion of the aged population in rural areas is larger than that in the cities, so the aging problem of the population is especially serious. But in real life, the center of China's social security system has been in the city, as for the majority of rural elderly pension is always dependent on the family pension model, which has put forward a huge challenge to the construction of rural old-age security system. Under the old rural old-age insurance system, its security level is relatively low, it is often difficult to really play its due protection role. In this context, the new rural social endowment insurance system began to establish and implement. As early as 2009-2010, Fujian Province selected 10% of counties (cities and districts) as the pilot to carry out pension insurance trial, and then in 2012, the province basically realized the full coverage of new rural insurance. The main purpose of this paper is to explore the establishment and perfection of the new rural old-age insurance system according to the situation of the aging of the rural population in Fujian Province. The main research contents of this paper include the following aspects: firstly, the paper uses the literature analysis method to expound the concept of new rural old-age insurance. The basic function and related theoretical basis (i.e. income redistribution theory and government patriarchal theory); secondly, the qualitative analysis of the current situation of population aging in Fujian Province, and starting with time series data and cross-section data, Through the establishment of grey prediction GM (1 / 1) model, this paper makes a quantitative prediction of the rural elderly population in Fujian Province, and analyzes the present situation of the aging of the rural population in Fujian Province and its future development trend. From this, the influence of the aging population on the new rural social endowment insurance is clarified. Thirdly, the article uses the normative analysis method to explain the historical evolution and development status of the agricultural insurance system in China. Using comparative analysis to explain the differences between the old and the new rural insurance, and the advantages of the new rural insurance in the aspects of fund raising, pension treatment and system sustainability. Fourth, the article based on the latest population census and related statistical data, Using the quantitative analysis method, it is pointed out that under the current trend of aging population, the new pension insurance in Fujian Province has low pension treatment, weak security level, the collective subsidy cannot be effectively implemented, the rural insurance fund is collected, and the management is separated. The fund maintains value, increases the value effect is not good, the fund management level is low and lacks the specialized personnel and so on; fifthly, uses the factor analysis method, from the system, the population, the economy, the culture, the law and so on five aspects carries on the analysis, The main factors restricting the development of new rural social endowment insurance in Fujian Province are obtained. At the same time, through regression prediction model, the financial support ability of Fujian Province to endowment insurance is quantitatively analyzed. Combined with the above five main influencing factors, the paper puts forward the countermeasures to improve the new rural social endowment insurance under the trend of population aging in Fujian Province, that is, to perfect the management and operation mechanism of the new rural insurance fund, and to establish and perfect the supervision system of the new rural insurance. Increase the government's financial input, adjust the level of pension treatment, improve farmers' awareness of participating in the insurance and speed up the new rural old-age insurance related legislation, and so on.


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