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发布时间:2018-10-12 16:22
【摘要】:近几年,我国民营经济的发展非常迅猛,民营经济逐渐成为经济发展中最具活力和潜力的部分。与民营经济的迅猛发展非常不相称的是民营企业的社会保障非常薄弱,尤其是社会保障中的社会保险制度建设工作目前陷入困境之中。民营企业职工有一个非常显著的特点是流动性非常大,因此,民营企业参加社会保险在促进劳动力资源合理配置以及劳动力正常流动,维护劳动者的合法权益,促进民营企业的健康、快速发展具有非常重要之意义。然而,在实际运作过程中我国民营企业针对职工流动性的社会保险制度建设存在一系列的问题,这种情形对民营企业及其职工的发展及社会保险制度本身都产生了巨大的影响。本文对国内民营企业流动职工的社会保险存在的困境问题以及这些问题的成因进行了一定的研究,并在此基础上提出了一定的治理对策,具有一定理论意义和现实意义。民营企业经济作为我国经济发展的重要组成部分,解决了大量劳动力的就业问题。同时,民营企业流动职工的社会保险问题,尤其是养老保险问题,,也成为社会保险领域一个重要的课题摆在了我们面前。 本文将以笔者所服务的企业为例,通过2011年企业的职工结构、流动原因统计及未来对职工流动情况的预期给予数据支撑和说明。因该企业所在的风电服务行业存在较高的人员流动性,具备一定的典型意义。笔者在该企业的职工管理模式、社会保险项目设置等方面采取的一系列措施进行了介绍和说明,从个体情况介绍流动职工社会保险的一系列措施,希望对其他职工流动性较大的民营企业社会保险工作有所帮助。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the development of private economy in China is very rapid, private economy has gradually become the most dynamic and potential part of economic development. What is out of proportion with the rapid development of private economy is that the social security of private enterprises is very weak, especially the construction of social insurance system in social security is in difficulty. A very significant feature of private enterprise workers is that they are highly mobile. Therefore, private enterprises' participation in social insurance can promote the rational allocation of labor resources and the normal flow of labor, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers. It is of great significance to promote the health and rapid development of private enterprises. However, in the process of practical operation, there are a series of problems in the construction of social insurance system for employee mobility in private enterprises in China, which has a great impact on the development of private enterprises and their staff and workers as well as the social insurance system itself. In this paper, the difficulties of social insurance of floating workers in private enterprises and the causes of these problems are studied, and on the basis of this, some countermeasures are put forward, which are of theoretical and practical significance. As an important part of China's economic development, private enterprise economy solves the employment problem of a large number of labor force. At the same time, the social insurance of floating workers in private enterprises, especially pension insurance, has become an important subject in the field of social insurance. This article will take the enterprise which the author serves as an example, through the 2011 enterprise staff structure, the flowing reason statistics and the future anticipates to the staff turnover situation to give the data support and the explanation. Because of the high staff mobility in the wind power service industry, the enterprise has some typical significance. The author introduces and explains a series of measures taken in the aspects of employee management mode, social insurance project setup and so on, and introduces a series of measures of social insurance for floating workers from the individual situation. Hope to other workers mobility greater private enterprise social insurance work to help.


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