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发布时间:2018-10-14 08:49
[Abstract]:With the development of times and economy, the imbalance of urban and rural development and regional development in China, the increasing gap between urban and rural development, the sharp social contradictions seriously hinder the social stability and the speed of economic development. People's demand for medical and health services has increased, the demand for medical insurance has become diversified, the demand for fair medical services has become higher, and the backward matching measures of medical insurance are difficult to meet the needs of the masses. The establishment of urban and rural medical insurance system in accordance with economic development should also change with it. The current medical insurance system is characterized by fragmentation and diversification. In the process of practice, the difference of treatment between urban and rural residents is large, the medical insurance of urban and rural residents is difficult to link up, the treatment is unfair and so on. With the development of industrialization and urbanization, the household registration system has been broken, and the population flow and structure have changed, so it is necessary to establish a matching medical insurance system. Through the analysis of relevant documents and concrete examples, through combing the basic theory, using the literature analysis method and the comparative analysis method, this paper analyzes the current medical insurance of urban workers and urban residents in Yunnan Province. The new rural cooperative policy carries on the comprehensive research, carries on the theory and the practice analysis to the medical insurance reform concrete policy. The current medical insurance system is seriously hindered by the unreasonable design of the system, insufficient means of financing, inadequate supervision of funds and unfair implementation procedures. The integration of medical security mechanism and policy convergence is the inevitable requirement of social development. Yunnan Province is located in the underdeveloped western region, the regional economic development is not balanced, the local medical insurance policy has also encountered a variety of difficulties in the implementation of the medical insurance system is even more necessary to carry out a holistic study. The specific medical insurance policy in the process of implementation needs to be carried out in accordance with the principle of gradual and orderly, according to local conditions, the introduction of specific policy recommendations, can not be carried out in general according to a model. Therefore, it is particularly important to explore a policy convergence mechanism suitable for urban and rural health insurance in Yunnan Province. This paper analyzes the mode of implementing the main system of medical insurance for urban and rural residents in Yunnan Province, the basic status of operation, the existing problems and the present situation of medical insurance of urban and rural residents in China. Based on the study of the problems in the implementation of the medical insurance linkage mechanism, through the implementation of the more successful areas of medical reform, such as Shanghai, Ningguo City, Anhui Province, The successful experience in the construction of the medical insurance system in Chongqing is studied. This paper makes great efforts to clarify the medical insurance system of urban and rural residents in Yunnan Province, studies the decentralized system, and points out the necessity and feasibility of promoting the construction of institutional integration. This paper analyzes the causes of the problems in the process of integration and cohesion, and puts forward some concrete measures and suggestions through drawing lessons from the successful experiences of each pilot area. And put forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions on the institutional model and path selection of the construction of the overall linking mechanism of health insurance in Yunnan Province.


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