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发布时间:2018-10-14 12:35
【摘要】:近年来,保险行业高管薪酬水平增长态势迅猛,不断拉大与其他行业平均薪酬水平的差距。2008年中国平安爆出“天价高管薪酬”事件,更成为公众和舆论关注的焦点,更引起了社会对于现行的薪酬体系是否健康、收入分配是否兼顾了公平与效率等一系列问题的思考。之后政府和保监会相继出台多项制度来约束高管的薪酬,在此背景下,本文对ZG保险公司的高管薪酬体系进行了详细研究。 本文的研究意义有二:一是对ZG股份制保险公司高管薪酬的界定和薪酬体系的设计进行了研究和完善;二是扩大了金融行业高管薪酬研究的领域。以往研究以银行业为主,本文对扩大金融业高管薪酬的研究具有一定意义。本文采用实证方法进行研究,通过问卷发放回收数据,并采用SPSS17.0进行数据分析得出研究结论。本文通过对ZG保险公司高管薪酬体系的研究,揭示其薪酬体系存在的问题,在此基础上提出ZG保险公司高管薪酬体系的改进方案,并通过改进方案的构建,进一步对比分析保险行业高管薪酬现状和普遍存在的问题。通过研究,本文得出以下结论:第一,对薪酬相关概念进行了界定,明确了高管、高管薪酬体系、高管薪酬的影响因素;第二,ZG保险公司高管薪酬管理表现出需求集中在较高的层次、高管薪酬方式相对多样等特点,同时该公司的高管薪酬体系也存在诸多问题;第三,综合考虑了各种绩效考核指标,并将这些指标引入了高管薪酬体系,通过相应的考核帮助高管薪酬的确定,并有效激励高管完成企业的总体目标,,防范风险,提高企业绩效;第四,改进薪酬体系的关键在于合理安排高管薪酬标准,使之对高管的激励以及提高公司绩效的效果达到恰当水平。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the pay level of insurance executives has grown rapidly, widening the gap between the average compensation levels of other industries and other industries. In 2008, Ping an in China broke out the "sky-high executive compensation" incident, which has become the focus of public and public opinion. It also causes a series of problems, such as whether the current salary system is healthy and whether the income distribution takes equity and efficiency into account. After the government and the Insurance Regulatory Commission have issued a number of systems to restrict executive compensation, in this context, the ZG insurance company executive compensation system has been studied in detail. The research significance of this paper is twofold: first, the definition of executive compensation and the design of compensation system of ZG joint-stock insurance company are studied and perfected; second, the research field of executive compensation in financial industry is expanded. The previous research is mainly on banking, this paper has certain significance to expand the financial industry executive compensation research. In this paper, the empirical method is used to study, and the data is collected by questionnaire, and SPSS17.0 is used to analyze the data to draw the conclusion. Through the study of the executive compensation system of ZG insurance company, this paper reveals the problems existing in the executive compensation system of ZG insurance company, and then puts forward the improvement scheme of the executive compensation system of ZG insurance company, and through the construction of the improvement scheme, Further comparative analysis of the insurance industry executive compensation status and common problems. Through the research, this paper draws the following conclusions: first, the concept of compensation is defined, the executive, executive compensation system, executive compensation factors; Second, the ZG insurance company executive compensation management shows that the demand is concentrated in a higher level, executive compensation is relatively diverse and other characteristics, at the same time, the company's executive compensation system also has many problems; third, Comprehensive consideration of a variety of performance evaluation indicators, and the introduction of these indicators into the executive compensation system, through the corresponding assessment to help determine executive compensation, and effectively encourage executives to complete the overall objectives of enterprises, prevent risks, improve corporate performance; Fourth, the key to improve the compensation system lies in the reasonable arrangement of executive compensation standards, so that the incentive to executives and improve the performance of the company to achieve the appropriate level.


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