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发布时间:2018-10-14 14:22
[Abstract]:With the development of insurance fund application supervision, risk-based fund application supervision has gradually become the direction of development. At present, the risk supervision of the use of insurance funds in our country is still in the exploratory stage. How to effectively draw lessons from international experience, make full use of the supervision system of the second generation, and take the solvency of insurance companies as the basis, Establishing the risk supervision model of fund utilization has become the core subject of risk supervision. Based on the panel data of fund utilization and solvency of insurance companies in China from 2011 to 2013, this paper explores the establishment of a risk model for the use of funds, and verifies the feasibility of supervising the risk of capital utilization on the basis of solvency. It is proved that we can monitor and direct the investment scale and investment structure of insurance companies according to different solvency levels and realize the risk supervision of the use of funds.
【作者单位】: 武汉大学经济与管理学院;


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